Chapter 9

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"W-Why are you smiling like that to me?"I said while I could feel that Tomioka was trying his best not to fully show his laugh on his face.

'He's trying to make fun of me,isn't he?'

It was night time..Tomioka and I were currently out of duty for today since Oyakata-sama wants me to take care of Tomioka for this day before he head back to his mission on being a demon slayer and slay demons together with me if we would partner up again on a mission.And both of us were on a ramen shop,but I decided that we should eat outside since there was also a table out there.

"J-Just tell me if there's something wrong to me!"I said as he wipe his mouth using the napkin he had from his ramen.

"There's a single small piece of noddle intonyour left side of the chin,that's all.."He said as he finally chuckled a bit.

'Jeez! I didn't even notice it that I could have! This is embarrassing especially in front of him!'

"Okay,happy now Tomioka? There's nothing left,right?"I said as he finally stop chuckling and nod in respond which I sighted in relief.

"D-Do you still wanted to eat ramen?"He asked as I shake my head.

"I don't,but I needed another glass of water.."I said as I just nod my head in return.

"I'll get one for you,then I'll be back.."He said as I just nod my head in return.

'It's really nice when I have this kind of alone time with Tomioka..He's being talkative person whenever we went out or have a talk with each other..'

'I hope this wouldn't end even we both get married differently and still remain in touch..'


After I heard the familiar voice which was my designated Kasugai crow appeared and looks like he's having a hard time telling me the message.

"Calm down..Tell me what happened?"I asked getting a bit worried from how my Kasugai crow just acted.

"The Himari estate! Your own estate has been under attack! You need to go back! Kaayo and Maye are in great danger from the demon that appeared!"He said as my eyes widened and take my blade with me as I stood up.

'I'm sorry for disappearing like this and won't wait for you,but it's an emergency! I'm sorry Tomioka!'

"Lead the way! I can't see much on the path we're gonna take back at the estate since it's already night!"I said as my Kasugai crow then fly and I trailed behind him.

'Please make the both of them safe! There's much Wisteria flowers around my estate yet there's a demon appeared and attack my estate!?'

"Please be brave and bear with it a bit longer Maye and Kaito!"




The Himari Estate has gone into chaos after the attack started by a single powerful demon that just appeared at the estate and it looks like he's just no there to pay a visit,but trying to destroy everything it can as for Maye and Kaito went into the basement underground where (Y/n) Himari told them to before when they get into trouble and wait for her to come back to save them both.

"S-She'll be here,right Kaito??!"Maye said while crying and trying to find hope for them to get save.

"I'm sure Himari-sana will! She promised to us that she'll protect us no matter what? We just need to bare with this ambush and any minute she'll be here!"Kaito said as Maye was in his arms trying to protect her from the falling small debris on them.



Meanwhile,at the outside the demon still doing the offender trying to destroy the whole estate using his power as if he was trying to find something or someone because he was attacking all of the open ones like the door and the windows around the estate.







"You called? Anyone who dares to destroy those two inside are gonna pay their penalty and that's death for a demon like you."Himari said as she glared at the demon while pointing her nichirin blade.

"Magnificent! I didn't even know you're really this powerful! You manage to cut off my right arm,but.."The demon said as his right arm regenerates right away.

"It'll regenerate right away..Good as new,isn't it?"The demon said.

'He can regenerate fast?! His regeneration are almost fast as Kukoshibu's!'

"Are you one of the twelve demon moon on the upper ranks?"Himari asked as the demon chuckled.

"Quite..I am,but not yet I'll claim my position on the right time..I've heard from Muzan-sama that one of the demon slayers at low ranking killed the lower moon six and that's why..I am now the new lower moon six."The demon said as he showed his purple eyes with a carve on it 'lowe moon six'.

"I see..But,what makes you do that you'll ambush my own estate! And how come you across all of the Westeros flowers along on this estate's path!"Himari said angrily.

"How I love your anger emotion now,but that's a secret for now,but of course I'll tell you why I came all the way here and ambush your own estate.."The demon said as his face turn into serious.

'What is this aura I'm feeling from him?!'

"It's because you're my one and only bride."The demon surprisingly appeared next to Himari as he whispered and before Himari could scratch him,he distant himself away from her.


"Nice sense,but do you think you can defeat me by that easily,hmm?"The demon said as he smirked at her.

'This demon! I'll make him pay from what he did!'

"Then,if you won't talk anymore I'll just have to knock you out—"

Before the demon could do what he was about to do towards Himari,Tomioka the Water Hashira appeared and unleash a breathing form towards the demon's neck.

"Water Breathing Technique:Striking Tide."

"How dare you interfere a man's proposal?!"The demon said angrily as Tomioka didn't show any emotion neither talk to him,he just glance at Himari.

"Take those two at the Buteerfly Estate! I'll handle him on my own so I can but you some time."Tomioka said as Himari widened her eyes.

"B-But Tomioka—"

"Just go,okay? Let's talk later just take those two with you at the Butterfly Estate,hurry!"Tomioka forcefully said as Himari couldn't do anything but follow what he says.

"Thank you,Tomioka! I'll promise I'll repay you!"Himari said and with that she went inside to take the two whom hiding at the basement underground.

"So,you decided to interfere my proposal to her..I'll shall make you pay for it,then."The demon said as Tomioanpointed his blade at the demon.

"A demon like you shouldn't give a proposal someone as like Himari."Tomioka said.

"Shut your filthy mouth human slayer! I'm her future husband! A partner in life eternal!"The demon shouted.

"Like I'll male you do that.."

"She's gonna be my bride."

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