Chapter 14

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And it happens that the tables have been turned around for Himari (Y/n) from her helper's plan to set her up with a blind date with Giyu Tomioka spending the rest of the day all by their selves,together alone.


When both of them has woken up from their rooms the breakfast was automatically ready thanks to Himari's helpers working on it before they leave both to set this things up after they had their little argument last night from Giyu's jealousy towards Rengoku's affection towards Himari that he lost his cool and poker face just because of his emotion.

They both eat together their breakfast in silence only chewing and the utensils sound were being heard especially the whispers of the wind and the birds chirping around Tomioka's estate.

'I should probably break the silence and make it up to Giyu since this is his estate and I must really act more nicer to him though..'Himari thought while chewing the food inside her mouth.

'Maybe I should do the first move since it was my fault last night and I'm the male here..'Tomioka thought as he drink his own cup of tea.

'But,shouldn't she/he need to do the first move than me though..??'The both thought as they have an eye contact with each other and immediately looked away.


Rengoku give his goodbyes to the helper especially to Himari and walked out of the estate when Tomioka was waiting for him outside his estate while leaning against the tall fence on his estate and Rengoku give him a warm smile while waiving at him only for Tomioka to put his usual poker face to everyone he saw.

"I'll be going off now Tomioka-san,I hope you'll take care of Himari good--"He got cut off by Tomioka.

"You don't have to tell me that every time you left my estate,Rengoku."Tomioka said as Rengoku scratch the back of his hair.

"Do you seem to find my presence somehow troublesome? I might just invited Himari alone on my estate for some dinner then if that's the case--"He was cut off again.

"I don't found you like that,but should you understand some of your limits? You know that we're both Hashiras..Himari and I can take care with each other you don't have to worry about her safety again and can you not like have dinner with her every night."Tomioka said straight forward as Rengoku give him a low chuckle.

"I sure now do that you found me annoying than being a troublesome,isn't it?"Rengoku said keeping his usual face as Tomioka got irritated by it.

"Listen,up here Flame Hashira."Tomioka started as he grab Rengoku's collar all of a sudden.

"I know that you're making your move,but I found her first before you."Tomioka said with a death glare as Rengoku shove Tomioka's hand gently away from his collar.

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