When are you coming Home?

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Y/N is on facetime with her parents as they are off filming the latest conjuring movie, "Mom when are you and Dad coming home?"

"Soon sweetie, I promise."

"You said that last time though."

"Sweetie that's because you asked me the same question a few hours ago."

"I know, I just miss you both."

"I know baby we miss you too, but I promise we will be home before you know it."

You hear your dad in the background of the call, "Is that Y/N honey?"

"Yes our daughter is wondering when we will be home again."

"We will be home soon pumpkin, I miss you!"

"Miss you too Dad." Vera looks over into the distance and smiles. Then, as she turns back to the camera to face you, she blows a kiss.

"We have to go now sweetie; I'll ring you after school okay. I love you baby."

"I love you to Mom." The call ends. Nana walks up behind you, giving you a big hug as she kisses your cheek.

"I know its hard darling, but your parents will be back soon."

"Yeah I know I just wish they were here now. Nana do you think they will be home for my birthday?"

"I am not sure; I assume your mom would never miss it but I guess it depends on how long filming takes. Then whether they have an immediate interviews." You roll your eyes as a tear forms in one of them. Nana notices you getting upset and takes the phone from you and rings back your parents. "Hiya love its only me, will you back home for Y/N's birthday as I have a crying young lady at the side of me worrying her parents are going to miss her birthday."

"Oh Sweetie I promise we will be home for your birthday. Me and your dad wouldn't miss it for the world. I really have to go now Mom, goodbye I love you both." As she switches off the call, you heard the hurt and pain in her voice.

"I think we upset Mom now."

"Don't worry darling, your mom just misses you as much as you do her. She is probably just worried that your upset, you know what she is like." You wrapped your arms around Nana like the world depends on it, wishing it was your mom you were hugging instead. When you finally let go, you head upstairs to your bedroom. The room had a black ceiling as you had light-up stars on it, so are night, your room was bright with all the little stars. At the side of your bed, there was a photo of your parents with you as a baby. Vera was holding you tight in her arms with the biggest smile on her face. At the same time, Patrick had his arm around your mother's waist. Vera laid her head back onto Patrick's shoulder. As you lay on your bed, a tear comes to your eye, remembering all the fun times you had with your parents as a child. You close your eyes as you hug a pink teddy bear tight to your chest.

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