Aunty Cate + The Best Present Ever

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Aunty Cate= Cate Blanchett

Aunty Cate= Cate Blanchett

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You went back downstairs to find Sandra on the phone to Aunty Cate. She saw you stood at the door and quickly wrapped up the conversation on the phone, sending a kiss down the phone. "Hi sweetheart, did you hear the fight?" Sandra looked at you anxiously, worrying you were upset with her about what she said.

"I did. But it doesn't matter now."

"I'm sorry, Come here and have a cuddle with your favourite Aunty." You paced over and sat by the side of her as she placed her arms around you. "God you're so big now. I remember when you were so small I only had to hold you with one arm." You smiled as you leant in close to her. "Is your Mom alright? I feel awful for what I said."

"Yes was a little upset but she is fine now I left her upstairs with Dad."

"Your Dad will comfort her don't worry." Your heart began to race. Mom doesn't need me; Dad doesn't need me. You felt this overwhelming feeling again, like your parents almost didn't want you. Finally, you sat up, pulling away from Sandra as you swung forward, trying your best to breathe deep. "Y/N what's wrong?"

"I feel panicky."

"Do you want me to get your Mom?"

"No. I don't want to upset her. She worries a lot." Sandra sat forward, placing her arms back around you as she swayed you slowly from side to side. Your heart rate got faster and faster. You didn't know what else to do but cry. Sandra pulled away slightly now, only rubbing her hand gently along your back as she tried to calm you. "Aww sweetheart, don't get upset, it will pass I promise. Just count and breathe with me ok, breathe in for four, 1, 2, 3, 4, Hold 1, 2, 3,4 and out 1, 2, 3, 4. Just keep doing that alright." You could hear Vera and Patrick walking down the stairs giggling. Oh no, now they are going to see me. Vera approached the door, first looking in on a very pale Y/N.

"Patrick go get some water please honey." Vera walked towards you as she kissed your forehead. Sandra let go completely as your mother placed her arms around you. "It's alright baby, just breathe. I love you."

"Mom, I can't breathe."

"I know it feels bad, but you can breathe, you are fine. Just take some really big deep breathes." Vera kissed your forehead numerous times as you breathe into her chest. As your heart rate begins to slow, Patrick enters with the water placing it on the table in front of you. Patrick had put ice in just to make sure it was extra cold. You knew he understood what you were going through and how hot this sensation could make you feel. You reached for the water taking a couple of mouthfuls. You exhaled deeply as you put your arms around Vera.

"I love you Mom. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I love you too." Sandra leant into your other side as the three of you hugged it out. "I'm sorry."

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