Walk to Mommy

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The three of you were in the back garden as Vera was trying to teach you how to walk. Patrick was pulling up some weeds. "Come on baby, come to Mommy." You looked at her as you crawled forwards. She smiled as she picked you on, putting you on her lap. "Can you say Mommy."


"Nice try. Alright Mommy is going to hold you up so you can walk alright okay." She stood up as she held up your hands. Vera walked forward slowly as you tried to step your feet forward with her. Your little legs felt like jelly, and you flopped to the floor, hitting your nose on the ground. As you began to cry, Vera sat on the grass and cuddled you. "Mommy's got you baby. Ssh, it's alright. You not hurt it's okay." She kissed you multiple times on the cheek as she wiped your tears from under your eyes. "Let's try something different alright. Mommy is going to put you down and you try walking over to Mommy alright." She placed you down as she edged forward a little bit. "Alright now walk to Mommy." You stood up and wobbled towards her, falling onto her lap. Vera smiled as she put her hands together, giving you a little clap. "Well done sweetie, that was very good. I am so proud of you." Vera rubbed her nose up against yours with a huge smile on her face. You smiled and clapped just like her, trying to impress her. "Yes sweetie, that's how you clap. Mommy is very proud of you." She pulled you forward as she laid back with you in her arms above her. "Look baby, your flying." You put out your arms and legs as you tried to imagine what it must be like to really fly. She pulled you down to her chest and kissed your cheek. You laid onto her stomach as she kissed your head. "I love you more than anyone else in the world." She softly began to whisper, "Maybe even a little more than Daddy. But don't tell him." She giggled as Patrick walked, overlooking the two of you having fun.

"Shall I help you walk to Mommy, Y/N" You looked over at him, smiling and clapping for no real reason.

"She has leant that clapping is a thing."

"Wow, pumpkin you are very smart. Getting to be a big girl now."

"God don't say that she is already growing up too fast." Vera passed you to Patrick as she moved a few feet away from the two of you. Patrick held up your little hands as he placed your feet on top of his. "Alright Pumpkin lets walk to Mommy." Vera held out her hands as she scrunched them towards you. You smiled more the closer you got to her until she finally took you in her arms.

"Well done baby, Mommy is so proud of you." You started clapping again as your parents smiled.

"Y/N say Daddy." Instead, you simply looked at Patrick and completely ignored his request as you saw a butterfly. Then, you tried wriggling out of your mother's arms as you wanted to follow it.

"Yep she doesn't want to learn Daddy before Mommy." Vera laughed as Patrick felt a level of disappointment. "Aww Patrick, don't get upset." Vera placed you back on the floor to crawl around; she placed her hands on his chest. Patrick put his arms on her back as he pulled her in close to his embrace. As they kissed each other, there was a sudden cry from a few metres down. Vera immediately let go of Patrick and ran down towards you, bending down to the ground. She grabbed you in her arms and picked you up. She looked you over for any bruises or cuts and couldn't see anything.

"What's wrong baby?" You wriggled around in her arms as you tried to get out. Vera noticed your struggle and placed you back on the grass. You pointed to the ground as Vera noticed the nail in the grass. She picked it up as Patrick came up behind her. "Patrick, you really have to be careful now. We can't be leaving things on the grass anymore. What if she had swallowed it? Or stabbed herself with it? You have to think about these things." Patrick took it from her hands as examined it.

"Well that's odd it isn't one of mine."

"What do you mean of course it isn't yours. Who else would have brought nails into our backyard?" Vera picked you up again as this time you leant into her shoulder, sobbing lightly. Vera looked you over again, this time seeing a black mark on your right arm forming. "Oh my god, baby." She kissed you as she took you into the house, completely uninterested in Patrick's response. She ran the cold tap as she placed your arm under it, making sure there was no dirt or anything that could lead to an infection. You screamed and squinted. "I know baby, but we just have to clean it. Please don't cry." As she turned the tap off, she got some kitchen roll and gently dapped your arm. She took you off the side and into the lounge as she cradled you under the brown cover that was normally behind the sofa. "Maybe little baby girl. Mommy loves you so much." She gently ran her fingers along your face. Patrick came in, placing the nail on the side as he came into the room.

"Honey I don't know what to say."

"A simply sorry."

"No because it is not my nail."

"Patrick if it's not yours then whose is it?"

"I don't know but I never keep bent nails, its pointless you can't use them for anything and the last time I even used nails was years before you were even pregnant." Vera looked at him in complete panic. He walked over, placing his arms around her. "Don't worry hon I am sure it's nothing to worry about, maybe it is mine from years ago and it just got dropped and bent from us standing on it or something." Vera kissed your forehead as you began to close your eyes. 

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