Remembering Birth

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As the night began to draw in, Patrick went to the kitchen to sort out some tea. Ed came running into the living room after Patrick had finally let him out of the cage. "Hi Ed! I missed you." Ed barked as he jumped up in the middle of you and Vera. You rubbed your hand on his soft fur as he wriggled further in between the two of you.

"Ed must want all your attention seen as you're his mommy."

"I thought I was more like his sister, and you were his mommy?"

"No you are definitely his Mommy because he always wants you not me." You bent to kiss him as he licked your face. Patrick laughed as he watched from the doorway.

"What are we thinking for food? How about a takeaway pizza instead of cooking?" Vera smiled as she looked at you.

"Hmm, but only if I can get my favourite without having to share."

"Fine, I'll accept that as long as you let your Dad have just one piece." You rolled your eyes as Vera started to giggle.

"Okay maybe you can have just one piece."

"Brilliant! Usual Vera?"

"Yes please." Ed jumped back off the sofa, running towards Patrick as he rubbed against his leg.

"Aww he loves you Dad."

"That's because he knows I am the one who feeds him."

"Yeah but that's because you are the only one that can reach the cupboard."

"Well it has to be high up otherwise he would spend all day eating." Patrick headed back into the kitchen as he fed Ed and then rang up for the pizzas.


"Yes Mom."

"Do you like spending time with your Aunties?"

"Yes." There was no doubt you loved them.

"What more than me and your dad?" Your heart pulled a little as your mother thought you didn't love them more. 

"Of course not. It's just when I was little I spent a lot of time with Aunty Sandra and Cate, so I don't know I guess our relationship is a lot closer than most Aunties and niece's. I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you and Dad, but you have to work so it just doesn't work like that but I miss you loads when you are away."

"I miss you too baby. I am sorry that I thought that. It's just your so close to them and when you said you rang Aunty Cate instead of me it just broke my heart a little. You know you can talk to us about anything Sweetie, at anytime of day even if its 2am." Vera cupped your cheeks as she rubbed her nose against yours. 

"I know Mom, I just don't like to upset or stress you and Dad out especially when you are busying working."

"Baby, you are more important than any job, promise me that you will remember that. Me and your Dad love you more than anything else in the world. If you even had the littlest tear rolling down your eye and told me I would drop everything to come give you a cuddle. Because you are my little girl and you are everything to me."

"I love you Mom."

"I love you too baby." Patrick re-entered the room after ordering the food. Vera had you tight in her arms.

"Did I miss something?"

"No Hon we were just talking about how much Y/N means to us."

"Aww pumpkin you mean everything to me and your mom. I don't know what I would do with myself if I couldn't see your smile. Or when you stick your tongue out at me." You giggled as you leant over Vera and stuck your tongue out at Patrick as he did it back. "But seriously Y/N we love you more than anything."

"I know Dad and I love you too." Patrick moved in close to Vera placing his arms around the two of you. Vera leant into his chest as she pulled you close to her. Patrick softly kissed Vera's head as he cradled the two of you. "I have missed the family hugs." Vera and Patrick smiled at each other as Vera kissed your head.

"We have missed them too. It's just like you little again."

"I wish I was little sometimes."

"Why sweetie? Isn't being more grown up that fun?"

"Because I remember you both being around more when I was little. Obviously as I got older I learnt to accept that you were actors and would often be away from home but sometimes I wish I was little so I could cry that I missed you and you would somehow see me sooner. Or I didn't have school so I could just hop in the car with my aunties and we come and see you."

"Aww pumpkin."

"Sweetie, you know you are allowed to cry right when we are away? It's normally, you have to get it out instead of bottling it all up."

"I know but Nana always says I should have learnt to deal with it by now."

"But Baby you are still really young. If you were in your thirties yeah maybe I would be a little confused if you cried so much about missing us but you turned twelve yesterday. You are allowed to cry when you miss us. Even if you do it when we are on the phone just so I can tell Nana off."

"I just wish things were different sometimes."

"Me too baby, I wish I could just stay home and cuddle you every second. I remember when I told your dad, we were having you." She looked over at him and smiled. "He lifted me into the air and I thought to myself I hope he does this with the little one, just makes them feel so free and loved. Your Dad use to make sure I did nothing though, every time I tried to help with anything he would make me sit down."

"I worried that's all. I didn't want either of you getting hurt."

"Or when you first kicked and your Dad kissed you. That was my favourite."

"How did he kiss me I wasn't born?" They both giggled as they realised how innocent you still was.

"I kissed your mom's stomach pumpkin." You processed what he said for a moment, thinking how that meant he kissed you but decided not to ask.

"So how did you know I was coming?"

"What when I found out you were in my stomach or when you actually came into the world."


"Well I found out because I started having really bad sickness in a morning, so your Nana went and got me a test and that was it really. For you actually coming out of my tummy, I was reading I think and I started getting really bad pain, I did my best to soothe you but then my waters broke. Your dad drove us to the hospital, and you were born."

"Your mom was going crazy when you were born. She didn't realise you were even out. Then was asking for you because she couldn't see you. I got to hold you first though just while she came around. You were so cute, you started crying though for your mom. As soon as your mom had you in her arms you stopped crying." Vera smiled as she kissed your cheek, running her fingers through your hair. "You were always a Mommy's girl. When you mom use to come home from work as soon as you were in her arms you would fall asleep."

"Or when you were first born you would fall asleep on me in some odd position."

"You have never failed though to make us smile." You moved close to Vera as she held you tight.

"I love you both."

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