Morning Cuddles

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The next morning, Dad left for work without Mom. He had loads of interviews to do to promote their new film. I felt a little guilty for making Mom stay at home because I was too frightened to go to school. However, not long after he left, Mom came into my room.

"Good morning Y/N" You rolled back over, pretending you didn't hear her. "Come on, I know you heard me you cheek little girl." You giggled as Vera got closer and started kissing you all over. "The kissing monster will get you out of bed." You rolled around as she grabbed you. "Ha ha I have got you now."

"Mom stop... I am awake I'll get up." She sat on the bed at the side of you as you rolled over and smiled. She placed her hand on your cheek as she gently moved it, rubbing softly. Vera couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

"I am so thankfully god gave me you baby."

"Me too Mom. I don't know where I would be without you and Dad." She bent down as she kissed your forehead. She stayed laid gently at the side of you moving her finger across your face.

"You know I was told I would not be able to have children with your father."

"But I'm here?"

"I know and that's why you are our miracle baby." She smiled as she kissed your forehead again. "Move over and lets have a little cuddle just the two of us." You moved up against the wall as Vera climbed in at the side of you. You moved close as she wrapped her arms around you. She rubbed one hand on your head as she kisses it multiple times. "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too." She lifted your chin up as she admired your face smiling. She took in every part of your face with a huge smile on her own. 

"You are so pretty."

"Thanks Mom, but I think you are more pretty than me."

"That's definitely not true because you are the prettiest girl I know." She kissed your cheek as you squinted. "You are just so precious, that's why I worry about you so much. I won't let anyone hurt you. I also worry because I'm your mother and that's my job."

"What about a boy?"

"What do you mean a boy? Why has a boy hurt you?"

"No. It's just you and Dad are always saying you know one day I will meet the right person and everything but what if they hurt me?"

"Then they are not the right one. Anyway how do you know that boy's hurt you?"

"Someone at school, dated a boy from another school and he would hit her sometimes, she would always laugh it off, but days later there would be a mark on her arm where he did it. I don't know whether he meant to hurt her but he did."

"Baby, answer me honestly, did the girl tell someone."

"I don't know. She moved to his school so I never saw her again. I told one of my teachers but she said there was nothing she could do now that she had left."

"Sweetie, promise me if anyone does that to you, you tell me or your Dad or Nana just someone. Or one of your aunties. Promise me."

"I promise."

"Good girl." She kissed you again as she pulled you in close to her chest. "Now we have to get ready and do your school work. Don't worry I'll help you."

"Mom, my back really hurts." She froze for a second, looking back at you.

"Let me help you get dressed and have a look." Vera got you out a dress so it would be less for your back to feel. It was a checked one that she also had to match with you; Patrick had a tie that matched. As she pulled your PJs off, she turned you around to look at your back.

"Oh baby, it looks really sore." All the bottom of your back was red raw. With the scratch mark itself blacker than the night's sky.

"Let me go get some cream that might help it." She ran into the bathroom, getting the cream out of the cupboard. As she bent back down behind you, she squeezed a little onto her finger. "I am sorry if this hurts baby, but I promise I am only doing it to make it better." She rubbed her finger on your back as a sharp pain shot through your spine. You groaned as you started to cry at how painful it was. "Sweetie, I'm sorry." When she finished, she turned you around, hugging you gently as she tried to avoid the bottom of your back. As you finished crying, she kissed you multiple times on the cheek and forehead. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault Mom."

"Come on let's finishing getting ready and have some breakfast. I'll make my special toast if you like?"

"Yes please." 

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