The Tooth Fairy

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Y/N was in her bedroom playing with her teddy's as they had a tea party. Patrick was out in the back garden fixing the fence while Vera was reading her favourite book for the one-hundredth time. As you played, your tooth began to ache. You placed a finger onto the tooth, moving it forwards and backwards. After pushing and pulling for a few minutes, it dropped out into your hand. A shiver took over your body as you saw the white object in your hand. In fear and shock, you ran down the stairs in tears. Vera looked up from her book, seeing you in distress. As you approach her, she picks you up and places you next to her on the sofa.

"What's wrong baby? Ssh mommy's' got you." Vera grabbed you holding you tight to her chest. As you sobbed harder and louder, you began to struggle to breathe as you tried to get the words out. Vera noticed your quickened breathe; Veracupped your cheeks, so you were looking into each other's eyes. "Look at me sweetie, you're alright just tell mommy what's wrong."

"I.. I.." After trying multiple times, you simply show her what's in your hand. She looks down and immediately has a smile on her face. As she wraps her arms around you, you feel a warmth inside.

"My little girl is growing up. Don't worry sweetie, everyone's teeth fall out when they are young even your Mommy's did. Don't worry it will grow back. You're getting such a big girl aren't you." Patrick walks back in the door and sees the upset happening in the living room as he walks over; Vera smiles. "Y/N show Daddy." He looks in confusion, thinking there was something really wrong rather than a show and tell moment, seeing the tears on your face. You open your hand again, reviling the tooth. A huge smile crosses his face. He takes the tooth out of your hand and gives it to Vera while he picks you up and spins himself and you around in the air.

"Aww, our little pumpkin is all grown up." He kisses your cheek and smiles as you wipe the tears from under your eyes. You lean into your father as he holds you in his arms. Vera gets up and stands by her husbands' side as he turns to kiss her softly on the lips.

"Has Mommy told you about the tooth fairy?"

"Tooth fairy?" Patrick places you back on the sofa as he sits by your side.

"Yes the Tooth fairy, come on Mommy tell us about the tooth fairy." Vera smiles and sits back down as she lays out on the L shaped sofa. She pats her hand at the side of herself as you move up close to her. She wraps her arm around you as she starts explaining.

"So the tooth fairy comes when you lose a tooth. So at night you put a tissue under your pillow with your baby tooth on it and the fairy will come pick it up and leave you a dollar."

"A dollar? My tooth fairy never left that much money!"

"My tooth fairy did maybe she thought my teeth were better." She smirked at Patrick then turned her attention back to you.

"Will the tooth fairy leave me a dollar?"

"Of course she will. Tonight when we tuck you in we will make sure your tooth is under your pillow for her to come alright." Patrick moved to the side of you as you all huddled together. Vera and Patrick kissed just above your head. The was no doubt you felt safe.

"Mommy what does the tooth fairy look like?"

"Hmm well everyone's fairy looks different. Mine had a beautiful pink dress on with long blonde hair that curled at the bottom. But maybe your fairy will be different."

"What did yours look like Daddy?"

"I don't remember a lot, but I know it was a boy fairy."

"Maybe that's why you didn't get a dollar Daddy because girl fairies are nicer." Vera giggled as Patrick rolled his eyes.

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