Authors Note

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   Hello there,
So, I'm going to get right into it. I know most of you don't like seeing these, but I have to clarify some things.

Firstly, this is a FANFICTION so things won't completely line up with movie and any series storylines as I have purposely tweaked it all a bit.

Secondly, if anything is confusing within the story let me know, I have an explanation for nearly everything and please leave feedback (I take everything as a learning experience) so don't be afraid to drop a comment!

Lastly, thank you and I hope you enjoy this, and I'd very much appreciate it if you vote for the chapters as you read.

(Also, as a late note, I apologize for the format if it is bad on your side. I noticed as I'm editing that it looks different when edited on a phone and then reading on a computer and vice versa. I apologize as I have no idea on how to fix this.)

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