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    "Harder! Faster!" A voice huffed.

    "If you keep up like this you'll tire out." Another warned.

      In a storage room sabers clashed with echoes of grunts and huffs of breaths. An old storage room was all that was given to Lyn. It was rarely used and after cleaning and some clearing it was a well lit and spacious room. It'd currently been the best place she had to be able to train with Luke constantly.

     "Don't go easy on me." Luke huffed once more as he brought a crate, from the far corner, rushing at Lyn.

       She didn't even bother to turn, she twisted her wrist to move her saber and disintegrated the crate with ease.

       "I'm not." Lyn spoke looking at him as he caught his breath. "I'm just giving you the level that I'm receiving." She spoke unaware of her harsh words.

      Luke scoffed as he held his saber ready for any surprise attack she'd pursue. "I'm weak, just say that." He nearly spat.

      "You're learning," Lyn corrected nearly groaning in annoyance. It was always him undermining himself and her trying to help him see he wasn't just some weakling.

       "I've been learning," Luke bit as he held his saber up to block Lyns attack. "For the past few months." He grunted.

        "What? You expect to move planets and stars already?" Lyn taunted as she blocked his attack. "Ease up on yourself, Luke. You're not going to become the greatest overnight."

     "If I push myself maybe." Luke grunted as he stayed on the offense. "And not just the greatest," Luke hacked at her making her block it. "The strongest," She blocked another one of his jabs. "The most powerful of them all." He hit her saber with a bit of strength he managed to conjure up making her falter slightly.

      "Stop." Lyn boomed as the room become dead silent other than their breaths and sabers humming. She brought a crate sliding over stopping just behind his feet.

      Luke stood, his chest rising and falling rapidly as Lyn stood staring at him. "Sit." She ordered.

      "No, we're duel—"

      "—sit!" Lyn ordered once more as Luke felt a sudden force push him down to sit on the crate as his saber turned off in his hand. "Where is this coming from? Are you still stuck on what happened?" Lyn turned her saber off and clipped it away.

    Luke looked at her in surprise opening his mouth to say something before shutting it and looking away.

      "It was too early in your training, it still is." Lyn crossed her arms glaring at him.

      "I could've had him." Luke spoke as Lyn took in a deep breath to calm herself. This was no time to reciprocate anger with anger. Luke was still caught up with their last mission, one they all thought was simple. Vader showing up changed everything.

      "I thought that once too," Lyn spoke calmly. "You have to realize you're wrong and the only thing you managed to do was live." Lyn looked at him softly as he was still turned away. "That's when you have to start using the life you managed to save and start getting stronger—at a decent rate, the time will come, Luke, I can assure you of that, but it will take time."

Not Your Hope • Luke SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now