30| The Ceremony

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30| The Ceremony

    "I thought that was it, when the last leader went down I-I was literally shaking—I mean look at me i'm still distressed just thinking about it." Wedge let out as he showed his shaky hands to Lyn.

After leaving Luke, Lyn quickly made her way to the hangar. It seemed to be filled with the same amount, if not less, as earlier as it was hardly packed. She had stepped up onto the small lift as she was brought up to Platform 3, which was the highest platform up and looked over the entire hangar. She found Wedge sitting at the edge with his legs hanging and his head buried into his elbow that rested on the safety railing.

      After big hugs and greetings, they were both now sitting at the edge with their feet dangling and arms resting on the railing.

"I didn't know who was alive at the time but I just knew no leaders were, it was all chaotic and I would've had to step up—well it'd be me or somebody else ya know? It would've had to've been me." Wedge looked at her with a small panicked look before he took a breath. "And then you came." He gratefully smiled as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "My Jedi Knight in shining armor." He lightly shook her.

Lyn lowly smiled, hoping it hadn't looked like a frown.

      "It's okay." Wedge encouraged as he nudged her. "What's wrong?"

     "I don't know..." Lyn spoke as she looked down at the rebels walking by way down below. "...it wasn't just me that swooped in."

      "Oh, I know believe me I've already talked to Col and Wenton.....and it pains me that I can't thank the others." His voice betrayed him as he tried shaking it away. Lyn inhaled deeply in hopes the depressing emotions would simmer down.

"I mean I was just talking with Bren before everything—we were talking with a whole bunch of them, Lyn." Wedge ran a hand through his hair and shrugged, blinking furiously hoping the tears wouldn't fall. "....and now it's just us....I didn't know it'd end...like this." He looked away with a heavy sigh before putting his hands to his eyes.

     Lyn couldn't help it. One moment she blinked and the next a stray tear had fell. She wiped her eyes hoping the rest wouldn't fall. She shook her head at herself for being vulnerable in public. Even though they were far above peering eyes, she turned her back to the edge, leaning on the railing, as she remembered someone could be watching her.

    "It's hard, Wedge." Lyn's voice betrayed her making her take a deep breath as Wedge hadn't even looked out from his hands. "But it's best, and easy, if we don't think about things like that." She put a hand to his shoulder after he lightly sobbed. "Think about the great moments with them, the happy ones, all that hope they had then is what should push us forward." She wiped her eyes once more as she let in a shaky breath.

     "Bless the stars..." Lyn spoke lowly as she then turned towards the distressed, hunched over, man.  "Let's not do this out here, Wedge." She leaned closer and placed her forehead onto his shoulder.

    "You know...uh..." Wedge sniffled shakily, lowering his hands from his face, ignoring her statement as he looked out at the hangar. "Bren he—um...he died s-saving me." He sighed heavily as a few tears fell. "It should've been me...I-I don't understand, the trench was cleared so—so I was headed towards you guys....I nearly got blindsided but Bren he....he saved me."

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