01| The Morning of Turmoil

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01| The Morning of Turmoil

     "I think you should know by now, when and when not to stay up so late." Lyn spoke quickly as she ruffled around her friend's drawer, trying to find a new set of clothes for her to wear. Seconds before, Lyn had rushed into the room and woke up her friend who had been snoring, of course she didn't blame her as the sun wasn't even close to rising yet.

     "Well, I think you should know that I'm up seeing which systems are in peril, experiencing famine and a water shortage, you know the basic necessities of life." Leia, the Princess of Alderaan, huffed as she walked to the bathroom. "Should I mention their governments do nothing to help." She ranted as she brushed her hair and up kept her face.

      "And they think the Empire is doing them good." She scoffed as she pinned her hair in a style and quickly came out of the restroom. "They're just scared to the bone with fear."

     "Tell me something we don't all know." Lyn let out as she stood up, finally finding something for Leia to wear. "Here—" Lyn tossed the clothes to Leia. "—you're already late as it is."

      Moments before rushing into the room, Lyn had to excuse herself from the meeting that was currently happening. She lowly informed that she had to quickly use the restroom, but she left to wake her friend up who wasn't present. Lyn wanted to get Leia in there before anybody actually noticed. Luckily for the both of them, they weren't going over any important matters yet, just reviewing the last mission's data.

     "You think Mon noticed?" Leia asked as she was quickly putting on the clothes.

     "She will if you don't hurry up." Lyn retorted.

     "Oh, I already know the scolding I'll get from her." Leia sighed.

      "Well, she's not the one you have to worry about." Lyn informed as she leaned against the wall.

     "Dad's there?" Leia asked desperately hoping to hear no.

     "Oh, Dad's there alright." Lyn confirmed with a slight nod making Leia groan. She lightly scoffed as she realized Leia's question, Senator Bail Organa was one of the top alliances and leaders to the rebellion, AKA, he was a very important person. "Well, you're lucky they had just started on the boring stuff."

     "Saving lives is boring now?" Leia asked as she started to put on a pair of shoes.

     "They're going over the usual stuff, you know what I meant." Lyn sighed as she rubbed her eyes. Leia gave her a quick side glance and took note of the way she had been acting, irritated and tired.

    "So, what's going to be your excuse? I'd love to hear this one." Lyn asked as Leia stood up ready.

     "I'll think of it on the way." Leia smiled as they both left her room.

     They quickly sped down the hallways, passing a few other rebels going about the beginning of their day. They didn't talk to each other or to others since they were practically in a light sprint, rushing to the room that was a ways away. Once they had reached the familiar door to the meeting room they calmed down and caught their breath.

     "I'm going in first, just try to sneak in and don't slam the door." Lyn warned. "This one is heavy, and you don't want a scene."

     "Is there a spot—"

     "—You have to ask?" Lyn interrupted. "The spot next to me." She stated with a nod.

     Lyn put on a calm face as she entered the slightly darkened room. A few looked her way as the door hinges creaked, she simply smiled with a nod dismissing the looks to her. She let the door close softly not wanting anymore looks and walked to her spot as Bail Organa had now been speaking.

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