07| The Unbosoming of a Jedi

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07| The Unbosoming of a Jedi

    On the way to Anchorhead, Lyn stared at the deserts' terrains that were passing quickly by, she'd been reminiscing on how much she missed being here, how much she missed those days where she didn't even know what worry was and especially how she was used to the heat back then. She was thankful for the hot breeze that was created by the drive as the dampness from her sweat felt cool.

    Obi-Wan had been talking with Luke as he drove, but it was all mostly Obi-Wan trying to sneakily push Luke to tag-along.

    "—No, look, I just don't understand." Luke let out as Lyn started to listen in on their conversation. "What does Uncle Owen have against you?"

    "I've told you so many times, Luke." Obi-Wan shook his head with a hand moving to match his demeanor.

    "Ben saying, 'He just doesn't like me' doesn't explain why." Luke spoke as he mimicked Obi-Wan's voice.

    "I hope that wasn't an attempt to mock me, if so, I'm concerned with your hearing." Obi-Wan played making Luke smile.

    "Lyn, you've known Ben the longest here, is there anything that would make someone dislike him?" Luke asked.

    "Oh man, you've asked a question that'll take me years to finish answering." Lyn joked.

    "Okay, humor me, Lyn." Obi-Wan spoke amused.

    "Oh, where do I even start." Lyn jokingly widened her eyes. ".....You're bossy." 

    "Mmm, more like educationally instructive." Obi-Wan corrected.

    "You always have something to say." Luke chimed in.

    "Well, I simply have a mouth that happens to make noise." Obi-Wan insisted.

     "You're cheeky." Lyn spoke.

      "It's a trait I've picked up." Obi-Wan remarked. "Look if you two have anything more to say that is just like what you've said, I suggest you stop. It's too embarrassing to have to explain simple human behavior." He said with a small smile forming.

    Luke and Lyn looked to each other in shocked defeat as they looked away trying to think. Neither one of them knew what to say, because Obi-Wan always had something to say.

    "You're dramatic." Lyn commented. She couldn't let Ben take the win, she thought amused, yet an ache dropped so low in her stomach.

    "I am—I am not dramatic." Obi-Wan insisted. "When have I been dramatic? In fact, tell me how and where because I don't recall."

    Lyn looked at Luke who was returning a smile, they finally cornered Obi-Wan. Lyn chuckled with a shake of her head as she looked at Obi-Wan. "Remember that time we went to the Krayt Graveyard?" She smirked as Obi-Wan gave her a look, knowing what was coming.

    "You guys went there?" Luke let out surprised. "What happened?" He asked even more curious.

     "Going down into the valley, we had gone down the steep sides as a shortcut because someone didn't want to walk around." Lyn shot a playful glance at Obi-Wan.

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