05| Same Old, Same Old

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05|Same Old, Same Old

Once Lyn had reached Tatooine, she headed straight to the place she had in mind, hoping it was still standing and occupied.

Lyn was flying in Tatooine's atmosphere with no trouble before a loud alarming sound blurted through the ship. Cursing it out as it scared her, she pressed many buttons to figure out why it had gone off.

"Seriously?" She scoffed as she started to head closer to the ground. Her ship needed to refuel, she wasted most of it fighting and then coming in and out of hyperspace, long by now she would've been on back at the base, fueled and fixed, but was prevented from doing so.

She let out a rough breath of frustration; she'd nearly been to her destination but wouldn't last a second longer if she continued.

"Come on." She grunted as she flipped the new alarm off, not checking what was wrong. She desperately hoped the fumes she was now running on would get her to where she needed to be, despite knowing the fate already.

As frustrated and time critical as it had been, she wasn't stupid to keep flying. She got low to the ground while a small sputter of her ship rocked her back and forth roughly, she cursed herself for not buckling up.

Lyn flipped a switch and pressed buttons, hoping she could land like she would any other day. She looked up and the outlines of a town in the distance caught her eye as she thought of a strategy. She changed her direction and was headed towards the town. If she had landed, it would be time-consuming to walk there and back.

Landing closer was the way to go, only her ship thought otherwise. It'd really been down to the last drops of fuel it had, yet Lyn needed to be closer than she currently was. Seconds passed by and her ship did what it could before alarms blasted from warnings.

She quickly buckled herself, shutting off alarms as she flipped the switch to lower the landing gear, she'd rather have that damaged than parts of her ship. Seeing as her S-foils were already closed together, all she had to do was prepare for impact.

She'd been close enough to the ground that crash landing from that height wouldn't do too much damage to the ship. As soon as her ship sputtered and kissed the sandy desert, she was in a fight to pull the tip of her ship up.

Lyn eased the ships safely as she was leveling the pitch parallel to the ground. Coming to a slow shaky stop she felt the unbalanced stature of her ship as she was slightly tilted forward.

After she calmed down from the small rush, she popped her hatch open as she was met with the warm, dry air engulfing her. It'd been a long while since she breathed this air.

She unbuckled herself as she grabbed the small bag, that she stored in the ship, and propped herself up to climb out. Jumping down from her ship, she heard the loud crunch of sand as she saw the place, she nearly risked her ship for.

She was near the outskirts of it, course she still would have to walk but not a great distance like before. Lyn wiped the sweat already forming on her forehead as she circled and eyed her ship. From what she could see, it was all minor, the landing gears took most of the damage as there was barley anything left but their shrapnel remnants dispersed over the ground.

Lyn furrowed her brows as she remembered what she'd been wearing, her bright orange pilot suit. Despite its greatness, the last thing she wanted was imperial eyes on her or some narc wanting a reward. It didn't help at all that the twin suns were bashing their heat waves on her as they were at their highest points in the sky.

She took off her flak vest and support box, tossing them into her ship. She'd just been in a bright orange suit, that she wasn't sure if people would recognize still, it was better to be safe than sorry.

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