14| The Master Plan

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14| The Master Plan

"If you're wrong about this—oh man you better hope you're not." Han scolded as they stopped at a door.

"This is it." Obi-Wan repeated as he held a slight hand out to feel the presences on the other side.

"How many are there?" Luke asked knowing Obi-Wan would use the force.


"Okay we're all clear—" Lyn said as she approached the group after keeping a lookout from the end of the hall. "—this it?" She asked.

"Yes." Obi-Wan spoke. "We just need a wise plan, if we're even a tad slow, they can quickly call for help."

"Slow? I got something fast for ya." Han said smirking from underneath his helmet as he slightly nodded to Chewbacca, but before the three could blatantly protest, Han pressed the button to open the door and shot two of the stormtroopers while Chewbacca let out a roar and knocked out the other. They had created an echo of loud blasts and roars that could travel throughout the whole station.

"I can't believe this." Lyn mumbled in great disbelief as she walked in after them. She had taken off her helmet, placed it on the edge of the table and wiped the sweat that had been agitating her. She fanned her face from frustration as one more act from Han would make her lash out.

"Between his howling and your blasting everything, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here." Luke scolded as he roughly took off his helmet after closing the doors.

"You know what?" Han spoke taking off his helmet. "Bring 'em on, I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around." He said frustratedly. But in all honesty, they were all frustrated, from being caught to being trapped in sauna suits, they were all pretty ticked off and heated.

"We've found a computer outlet sir." C-3PO spoke to Obi-Wan.

"Plug in." He said. "R2 should be able to interpret the entire imperial network."

Lyn finally took a seat, taking soft spins and deep breaths to calm herself down. Han took a seat as well while Luke stood.

"Berpwrooop." R2 let out after a moment.

"He's found the controls to the power beam that's holding the ship there." C-3PO translated. "He's trying to find a precise location on the monitor."

A small beep came from the screen behind Obi-Wan making the curious heads turn. The screen showed a map of the station with the location pinpointed.

"The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations, a power loss at one of these terminals will allow the ship to leave." C-3PO explained.

"Mmmh." Obi-Wan thought. "I don't think you three could help, I must go alone." He said quickly as he made his way to the door.

"Whatever you say, I've done more than I bargained for on this trip already." Han said as he leaned back into his chair.

"Woah, woah, wait—what do you mean?" Lyn stood up. "I mean I get him—" Lyn pointed at Han. "—but surely I can do something." 

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