29| The Calm

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29| The Calm

       After Lyn broke away from Leia to be alone, she went her usual way to get outside. She was traveling through the hangar and saw a low amount of rebels out and about. She figured many others were probably in the mess hall, their private bunks, prepping for the evacuation or doing who knows what.

      Lyn left the hangar and found herself admiring the growing darkness of the night. She turned towards the temple and looked all the way up at the large building, looking for her usual spot.

If it were any other day she would easily hop up the abnormally wide and long steps, but today was different. If she'd gone that high up, she could get dizzy and most likely fall, if she'd gone that high up a numerous amount of scenarios could happen that would inevitably lead to worse things.

     Lyn sighed as she shook her head, she just wanted her peace and quiet but didn't want to be constricted to her enclosed bunker inside.

       She turned back to head inside the hangar. Maybe she would just hang out with Leia after all until the ceremony. She could also try to find Luke and hope he wasn't mad at her for going or she could actually spend her time talking to the pilots who'd made it back. After all, it wouldn't hurt to swap a chapter of the same book.

       "Lyn." A sudden voice called out that stopped her in her tracks. "No one told me you were up."

"....too busy, I guess." Lyn let out as she stood still as Han was now walking towards her.

"Makes sense." Han shrugged oblivious to her coldness. "I gotta say that was some flying you did out there, the other sand rat too, together we'd make a hell of a team." Han nearly smiled at the thought of an unstoppable crew in the smuggling community.

         "What are you doing here?" Lyn held back every aggressive emotion that was fighting to show.

         "Resting—Fixing up the old Falcon, she had to handle a lot out there, I don't know if you remember." Han explained as he motioned a hand to his head. "I mean your brain was halfway outta your head." Han exaggerated.

         "Oh, I remember just fine." Lyn bit. "And I remember you leaving before the danger could hit, so what the hell were you doing out there?"

        "What? You're joking right?" Han scoffed lowly amused with her tone.

        "You should've left the moment you finished packing." Lyn sneered.

         "Oh? So you and your rebels could die?" Han chuckled dryly. "If I remember you all were in a shit hole before I helped out."

         "We were fine." Lyn stated. "We didn't need your help—we didn't want your help."

           "Tell that to the only surviving pilots you have, see how more grateful they are than you." Han bit. "You all were low on numbers, I helped out and you can't even acknowledge it." He said in disbelief.

       "I could've had him." Lyn ignored his words.

        "Oh, that's what this is about." Han nodded as he crossed his arms. "And for the record, you couldn't have, whether that pilot was Vader or not he was in hyperspace long before you could jump after him."

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