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A Mother and Old
Lovers Pain

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Joey had been dead for six hours by the time police got to him, rats and bugs were enjoying their feast. Jimmy nearly threw up on-site, Punz calling it in. The captain told the blonde officer to record the conversations he had with his brother, background noise could play an important role in their takedown.

On the other side, officers had been working on the side to find this kid a way out safely. The state agreed that since this kid hadn't done anything too major as of late, he could be let off his parole as long as he helped them in arresting at least one person who posed a threat and Purpled could've cried when he was told. However, there was one important factor:

None of the Watsons had been seen for three weeks. The closest they had gotten was chasing Tubbo and Ranboo, who got away. Puffy had also gotten herself involved in the case more, giving no reason as to why. Niki was back on the scene and was well, Eret vowing revenge on the gang who killed her friend; It was her fault that Hannah was even undercover in the first place.

Punz spent every waking moment pouring over files and a way to help his teenage brother, Dream was more than happy to have the help. HBomb returned as Ponk's partner and the two began to follow the signs of the two teenagers who were now known to be accomplices of Tommy, Sapnap and George having their eyes on the Las Nevadas gang more so now than ever.

Puffy walked down the hallway of the apartment, her fingers fidgeting with each other as she approached the door she had knocked on multiple times but this time was so much harder. The brown-and-white-haired woman let out a shaky sigh as she hesitantly knocked on the wooden door, the echo trailing down the hall. The door slowly opened, a girl with pink hair was revealed, she tilted her head and smiled as she looked at her friend, Niki being surprised by her sudden arrival.

She opened the door wider, allowing the older woman in. Niki didn't even get to close the door before Puffy began to talk, her eyes becoming glossy as the young girl ran to her friend, engulfing her in a loving hug.

"I fucked up so bad, Niki"

"What do you mean 'you fucked up'?" The pinkette asked softly as she guided her friend to the grey lounge which sat in her lounge room.

Her apartment was beautiful, it was nicely decorated with a grey and white theme. Flowers and photo frames decorated her shelves, a lower compartment beneath her TV filled with video games and a PlayStation along with a tall shelf against the wall stacked with movies. Her kitchen was clean, with only a few utensils present. Her roommate couldn't be heard, presumably at school in a lecture.

There were photos of Niki and her family along with friends, one even being of the two girls on a night out in a bar to celebrate Niki's birthday only a few months ago. They met at the precinct on the pinkettes first day, Puffy showed her the ropes and they had been partners since. The older woman got the choice to work with Niki or another named Elaina, as much as she loved the other girl, she chose the then-blonde.

Elaina ended up as Eret's partner and the two were now roommates. She was a lovely girl, though Puffy didn't see her too much since she worked upstairs with the Sergeant.

"I-" She wept as Niki reached for the tissues on her coffee table next to the lounge and offered them to her friend who graciously accepted.

"Take your time" Her voice soothed.

"I fucked up because I'm a horrible mother, I failed my son"

"Your son's disappearance isn't your fault, Sweetie"

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