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Dream's plan

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Punz had watched his captain with a frown. Everyone was sitting at their desks as Dream talked them through his plan to take down the Sleepy Boys once and for all. There was just one tiny detail that urked the blonde officer. It wasn't the fact they were going to trap them in the same old mill where the trade-off had happened or the fact it would take all the officers that the building housed or even the fact that it was dangerous and could end in at least one person's death.

No, no...

Dream wanted to use Purpled as bait.

The worst part of it was the fact Punz knew his brother would agree if it meant that at least one of the men were taken off the streets. Everyone watched their blonde captain with a wary eye, they had all noticed that since Foolish's identity had been revealed to be Noah Sparklez he had become slightly unhinged. He had lost a lot to the mafia family, they all had; whether it be friends, family or dignity.

Dream nodded his head to his comrades and quickly made his way back into his office, multiple pairs of eyes watched him. Niki's with horror, Sapnap's with fear, Goose's with worry, Eret's with guilt and Ant's with confusion. Everyone who sat at their desks or stood in the kitchen felt some sort of conflicting emotion towards not only the man but also the plan.

No one was sure about using a child as bait. I mean, he was a kid who had just gotten out of that bad situation and was finally feeling a sense of normality. Who was Dream to take that away from him? Purpled was finally happy and his mental health had begun to get back on track, not to mention his relationship with his brother.

So, Punz was rightfully reluctant to speak to his brother about his day. They had made a pact of telling each other everything, no matter how sad, gory or scary, that way there would be no secrets and they would have no reason to fight. The blonde liked the idea up until today, how was he supposed to ask his still healing younger kid brother to be bait for the city's most notorious gang who wanted him dead?

Everything about today sucked.


Purpled sat down in his chair, pulling in to towards the table and picked up his fork. The younger blonde had taken it upon himself to cook dinner as he wanted to help out and knew how much pressure his older brother was under at work. Punz looked at his plate; fresh vegetables, mashed potato and two sausages, and it looked exactly like how his mum used to make it. Without a second thought, he reached for the gravy and poured it onto the potato and veggies.

"So, what happened today?"


"We said no secrets!" He pointed his fork at his brother. While Purpled hated the gang and his time there, he quite liked the nickname he had and chose to use it for the right reasons. He had sent in his application to the police academy in Outsiders Central and was awaiting word back.

He would've gone to the L'Manberg one but he thought it would be too risky and Hermit was too close for comfort. Plus, he had a few friends over in Outsiders so he wouldn't be completely alone; choosing to find an apartment with his friends Owen and Rasbi.

"I... Dream has this plan to lure out the Watsons"

"-That's good, isn't it?" Purpled said as he brought a fork of carrot and beans to his mouth. His eyes remained trained on his brother.

"Not necessarily" Punz shook his head and sighed. "He wants to use you as bait."


"I told him no, under no circumstances. I'm not letting you get roped into this shit again, you're healing and growing and you don't need to--"

"I'll do it"

"No, you fucking won't!" Punz retorted, his voice rising slightly out of fear and protection. Purpled kept his calm composure turning to his food and cutting up his sausage.

"You said it yourself, Dream has a plan and I'm tired of being scared of being alone. I want to take ahold of my own life. I can't hide forever, Luke." He retorted. The officer sighed again, his own eyes finding his plate of food more interesting. He hated every ounce of this idea and wanted his baby brother nowhere near this line anymore.

When Purpled and Punz had been moved into a new apartment on the outskirts of town away from all the crime and the public eye, he swore to his brother he would keep him safe. He would do the one thing he had already failed to do. He promised. So why couldn't he say no to his brother?

When the younger blonde had come to him expressing how he wanted to train to be an officer like him, he was reluctant at first. He knew his brother could protect himself and so when he was looking at the academies in the next cities over it brought him more comfort. But now that could all be for nothing. What if he got hurt? Punz knew how much Tommy Watson wanted to put an end to his brother's life, he had said it to the blonde himself when he was in the holding cell.

"I'll kill your fucking brother! You hear me! If it's the last thing I do!"

Everyone hated that teenager, they hated his brothers, his father, his friends and they now hated his cousin. One of the only people who Punz had let in betrayed him. Walking into work that day and seeing his comrades all pointing guns at his partner who was standing on the railing of the balcony with a smile was one of the single worst days he's had. He had grown close to Jimmy, becoming quite fond of the man.

Purpled didn't even know he was a spy, claiming he knew little about the family ties and more on the business ones.

"Fine. I know you'll probably go behind my back so..."

"Yeah, I would have"

"Eat your food and I guess you'll come with me tomorrow"

Word count: 1,0,57

We're getting closer to the end....
Plus, double upload !

Feedback is welcomed!


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