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Family is a Treasure

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Ethan combed a hand through their hair as the trio walked away from the location, the voices of Vurb and his gang in the background as they got ready to move from the area. The sound of the ravenette's car unlocking sounded as they got closer. Wilbur didn't think twice about walking to the left of the vehicle and getting in the passenger seat; Ponk sitting in the back and tucking down his face mask.

The man had chosen to do what his boyfriend does, whilst not for the same reasons, he enjoyed having a bit of anonymity to who he was. Whilst his name was still known, half of his face still remained a mystery; a combination of black and yellow markings on a red face mask. He reused an old red mask he had from his high school days as it seemed to be in good condition and just added from paints he found. What he came up with in the end wasn't bad.

Ponk had also chosen, for the first time since his first date with Sam, to style his hair. His near-white hair was curled on the top of his head, a back hood over the top of it as the locks poked out from underneath. The tanned man wasn't one to care for his appearance but this was a new chapter in his life and he wanted to make an effort. Not to mention, Sam's thoughts on the look made him smile.

The brunette's best friend turned on the car, putting it into drive and turning the car around in the empty lot, turning onto the road. The radio filled the void of silence which loomed over them for a few moments. Some lady talking about how crime in their city had risen and Dream addressing the Sleepy Boys situation made Wil giggle to himself as he dug around his pockets for a cigarette.

The small space filled with smoke, Ethan rolled his eyes and opened the window next to Wilbur.

"What have I told you about smoking in my car?" They tsked, the brunette only smirking in response. The ravenette shook his head again, Wil resting his arm outside the window with his cigar in his fingers as they cruised down the highway. "Does it bother you, Ponk?"

"Hm?" The former cop and traitor hummed, his eyes snapping from the window to look into the rearview mirror where he could see Ethan's eyes looking back at him.

"Wil's smoking, does it bother you?"

"Oh, not at all" He shook his head with a soft smile. The drug dealer smirked at his friend before looking back at their newest edition. "My uncle who lived with us smoked so it doesn't bother me"

"Ever wanted to try it?"

"Wilbur, stop trying to put your bad habits on others!" Ethan scolded, reaching one hand over and hitting the man in the arm. Ponk laughed.

"I have actually, with my friends when we were like... sixteen, I think?"

Wilbur turned to look at the man. His cigar was long finished and chuckled out the window, his left gloved hand reaching into his pocket and crossing over the packet into his right hand; offering it to the tanned man. Ethan gave their best friend a warning glare. The brunette raised an eyebrow.

On one hand, Sam would probably kill him but on the other, it was a new chapter of his life...

Silently, he reached a hand out and took one of the sticks of cancer, tucking it between his lips and leaning forward. Wilbur lit the cigarette with his lighter and the younger man leaned back into his chair. Ethan groaned, opening one of the back seat windows, the Watson son only laughed at his best friends misery. The ravenette knew that the man he had grown to see as his platonic soulmate would be the death of them... were they okay with that? Not even he knew.


Phil skimmed through the papers in front of him, it was all boring business that he wanted nothing to do with, yet, that was the cost of being a successful underground mafia boss. Though, he wasn't so 'underground' anymore. Every officer in the city was on his ass. While the man dealt in business offers in Hermit and Outsiders, the police forces there were nothing like the L'Manberg ones. They never failed to give him a run for his money.

However, this year alone there had been two deaths, one betrayal and one resignation from the police precinct. After his nephew was scouted out, a man had been thrown into the window which landed him in the hospital and unable to do his job any further. Phil couldn't help but be proud about that one. While Jimmy felt a bit bad about betraying and lying to his friends, he wouldn't have changed his side for the world. Family was everything to the man.

That night the family had salmon for dinner.

The blonde sighed, standing from his seat and ignoring all the papers on his desk as he headed towards the doors. There was no point in being there alone in his mind. He had sons and a nephew to spend his time with.

Tommy was out of the infirmary, though stuck in a wheelchair much to his distaste. The wreck had fucked his leg pretty bad and the ankle he had tripped on had been fractured. Ranboo and Tubbo helped pass his time though with sadistic games, video games and racing down the hallways of the apartment levels at high speeds. They were nearly successful in tripping Badboyhalo.

Jack had become the main target for the boys to run over, so that man was always hiding behind some sort of barrier which could stop Tommy from ramming into him and causing him harm. Ranboo seemed to be back to normal, their moods had become happier and seemed to not want to leave the younger blonde's side. After hearing about what Jimmy warned his uncle and cousin about, they pulled the orphan aside.

He told them everything, including the parts of knowing Scott growing up and how he defended them. Wilbur laughed because it seemed that the pacifist in him was slowly disintegrating after three years. Tommy had also promised to teach the enby how to skid and compete in drag races so they could work together. Ranboo couldn't wait for when his best friend was back on his feet and able to drive again.

Tubbo had regained his composure and went back to being the sadistic and trigger happy teenager he was, leaving the mothering for the tallest of the bunch. He, too, didn't show any signs of wanting to leave Tommy's side.

Jimmy was elated to see his blonde cousin again, the two embracing in a hug and then spending that night watching movies on the teen's laptop since he was still bedbound at the time.

One by one, Phil's family came together once more. While he still missed his wife and awaited the day he would be able to run into her arms again, he also lived for the moments he was given. He knew that a lot of people didn't have the privilege of having a family like his so he accepted it with open arms. He was lucky enough to have his three sons with the two added extra and his nephew by his side, not to mention all the other friends who stick by him.

Phil unlocked the door to the family's apartment, immediately witnessing the chaos that was the bench trio as they sat on the lounge racing one another in Mario kart. Tommy and Tubbo screaming profanities as Ranboo just laughed at their friend with admiration. Wilbur watched from the kitchen with a smile on his face and a mug of hot coffee in his hands, the steam partly fogging his glasses. Techno had his door wide open as he read on his bed, listening to the antics that was his family. Jimmy had taken residence back in his room, which had laid dormant for months. He was sitting with the boys, a controller in his hands as well and cheering himself on as he screamed about winning.

The blonde man chuckled, shaking his head as he closed the door behind him. These were his people and he wouldn't change that for the world. His family were the closest thing to him and god help anyone who disrespected his loved ones.

Word count: 1,427
Feedback is welcomed!


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