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The voices

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TW// Mentions of self-harm & suicide attempts

Wilbur held Tommy close, not having the blonde boy leave his sight since his return and quite frankly, Tommy liked that. He didn't want to leave his family. Not for a moment. He snuggled into Phil's arms more, his head resting on his father's chest, feeling as it rose up and down. It was just more reassurance that he was home.

Phil combed his hand through his youngest son's hair gently, a soft hum escaping the boy's lips as he slowly drifted off to the land of dreams for the first time in a week. Wilbur watched with a soft smile, forever grateful to have his family be restored.

The past week was suffocating. Tubbo was going crazy, Ranboo was struggling with his anxiety and insecurities, Techno was more angry and aggravated, Phil was a bear waiting to be provoked and Wilbur had never felt the urge to blow up a building more. He nearly came close to asking the nuclear boy for help planting bombs, his only reason for stopping was Ethan.

A boy who worked closely with Wilbur. They were very quiet most of the time but could be very loud and energetic when times called for it. He and Wilbur had been partners for the past two years and friends for way longer— going all the way back to high school and were basically synchronised at this point. He could always rely on the ravenette, who always helped him see the error of his ways. Even if they were both killers.

The brunette sighed as he watched his father hold his son close. Phil was a very loving man who put his family before anything else and did anything to protect them. It had been a while since he held one of his boys close like this and he relished in the moment, kissing the top of Tommy's head.

"You're home, Tommy" The older man whispered, a yawn escaping his lips. Wil smiled gently and stood up, going into his room to pick up the blanket off the end of his bed. He walked back into the lounge room to find a very sleepy Philza and snoozing Tommy.

"Get some rest, Dad. God knows you need it" He said as he placed the brown blanket on top of his baby brother, moving his blonde locks out of his face. Philza smiled softly before closing his eyes, continuing to brush his fingers through the youngest's hair.

Wil quietly turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee. It was nearly midnight and Techno was nowhere to be seen. The brunette thought it was absolute bullshit. His baby brother was taken from them and he has the nerve to leave for hours on end, barely even muttering a word to the blonde. It pissed him off.

The twins weren't any better, Wilbur still being salty over their argument and rightfully so. He had blamed Tommy for his capture when it was that scumbag named Purpled. Quackity was furious when he found out, throwing a few objects at Fundy after he broke the news to him. The fox-boy came back to Wilbur with a scratch on his cheek and a bruise on his arm.

The coffee machine made a small noise as it indicated the brown liquid was ready, the brunette taking a sip as he began to walk over to his room. The apartment was dark, not being able to see your hand in front of your face but he had snuck around in the dark too many times than he could count and had the blueprints of the floor engraved in his mind.

Without a noise, he slipped into his room and placed the mug on his desk. It was covered in notebooks which were filled with blueprints of weapons, plans and music sheets. A guitar and various other instruments were sitting in a designated corner of the large area and like Tommy, he had a few records strung up on the wall though they held no significant meaning to him like they did his brother.

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