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"Tommy?" Wilbur croaked out as he followed the rest of his family into the penthouse. He had been waiting all night to talk to the spitfire blonde and it was eating at his nerves.

When the brunette couldn't find him, he sought out his father as he knew Techno wouldn't know where he would be. After his chat with Ethan, the ex-musician knew beyond doubt what he had to do and as much as he hated to admit it... Ethan was right. They always were.

Both twins both had that. A best friend who was always right. While Techno had Teddy, Wilbur had Ethan and they all met under weird circumstances. The pinkette was more recent, having met the other hitman after she and her sister ran away and were picked up by Phil. Ethan accidentally punched Wilbur when they were seven, putting them both in time-out. They ended up bonding and became the teachers' worst nightmare... oh, how Mrs Vinkly regretted her decision that day, she ended up retiring after one of their pranks two years later. The teachers at their primary school pitied their high school teachers.

The young blonde turned around, his bright blue piercing into the brunette's soul, a scowl adorned his face as he looked at his older brother. Phil and Techno paused in their footsteps and looked at one another before silently agreeing to retire to their rooms for the night. They would find out Harvey's results in the morning.

Phil's door quietly closed, Techno's not making a noise. Wilbur took a half step forward, backing up slightly when Tommy took a step back. He was still very wary of the older boy and it was painfully obvious. It shattered the twenty-two-year-olds heart into millions of pieces. That look in the young boy's eyes was the one look that Wil never wanted to see.

"I want to apologize to you-"


"Please. Let me speak," He pleaded. Tommy's look of confidence was washed away as he allowed the boy to speak. He decided that now was not the time for him to pretend to be the 'big man' and time for Tom Watson to make his front.

While Tommy wasn't a huge fan of heartfelt moments, he knew that this meant so much to his older brother. He was always there to listen when Tommy fucked up, it was time for the getaway driver to listen to the drug dealer instead.

"I fucked up big time, okay? I recognize that. I was in the wrong by so far and I'm not going to spend my time trying to defend myself because I understand what you must've felt. I stepped way out of line and you have every right to be angry with me and as much as it may hurt me to say this I-... I understand if you stay angry with me. I yelled and didn't let you explain yourself. I never should've done that-" He sighed, running a frantic hand through his brown curls as he took his beanie off in the process. As he spoke, his stress skyrocketed, causing him to fidget with the woolly fabric in his hands. He could barely look at Tommy.

The blonde in front of him watched as the man he grew up knowing to be strong and confident spilt his guts as nerves racked through his body. Wilbur was always so kind to the boy when he was younger, always being a shoulder to cry on. Whenever Tommy was being bullied, Wil would get them to back off. If Tommy didn't know the answers to his homework, Wil would be by his side helping him. If Tommy was having a panic attack caused by a sour interaction with Technoblade, yet again, Wilbur was there. He was always there making sure the blonde would be okay.

He remembered being told by many people growing up: His father, Ethan, Sam and others, that Tommy was the most treasured thing to Wilbur. That the brunette would do anything the teenager asked of him, no questions asked. He could tell him to jump off a bridge and he would do so.

He spent too much time recognizing Techno's hatred for him that he never realized how much he meant to Wilbur. He was blind to his kindness and he felt like an idiot. He only cared about him.

"-and I'm so sorry. I was scared. I was so scared that I would lose you again. I should've thought about what you were going through and what was running through your mind. I've scolded and beat myself up over it so many times and I hope that in time... you can... forgive me." Wilbur looked up, finally making eye contact with the minor. His eyes were glossy, Wil was never afraid of showing his true emotions.

Tommy sighed as he gave a weak smile, taking a step forward and taking Wil's glasses off his face to stop them from falling down his nose as they were dangerously close and the ex-musician showed no signs of fixing them. He closed them and held them in his hand, his free one reaching for the beanie. The brunette let go, an exhale escaping his lips out of fear of rejection. The blonde placed the accessories on the closest cupboard and turned back to his brother, embracing him in a hug.

Wilbur's eyes widened as he felt his baby brother's arms wrap around his torso, shock laced his face. He let loose a sigh of relief as he buried his face into his brother's neck, arms holding him close to his body. There was silence, only the sound of their breathing as they stood at the entrance of the apartment, no noise escaping either of the other adults' rooms.

Tommy was the one to pull away, a small chuckle escaping his lips as his arms fell to his side, a look of adoration in his eyes. It was hard to miss. Wilbur stood there confused, shouldn't the teenager hate him? Why was he hugging him? Was this goodbye?

"It's okay, Wil"

"What?" shock in his voice. "You should be yelling! Shouting! Cursing me out!"

"I mean, you were a fucking idiot and shouldn't have done that-" Wilbur sank slightly "-but you're still my older brother and I'm still obligated to love you no matter what fucked up shit you do. You were always there for me growing up. Yeah, I was mad. I never wanted anyone to know that I was... relapsing but I've gotten past it. We're cool, big man. I love you, Wil" A small smile playing on Tommy's lips.

Wilbur looked at the grown teenager in front of him, confidence radiating through his body as he stood proud and strong. He could tell that his brother was being genuine and was happy. Ethan was right. He just needed his older brother to be there for him. The brunette let out a quiet chuckle, no way was he going to tell the young male about that.

The drug dealer pulled his brother into another hug and held him close, the other groaning but giving in to the warmth.

"I love you so much, Toms"

"Yeah, yeah... I love you too"


Words: 1,217

Started Uni this week and I have two 5:30 starts because I live 2 hours away and have to catch the train. Updates may be delayed because I forget or am too tired to upload them but I promise they will be done !!

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