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Help him...

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Scott knocked on his parents' door. It had been a while since he had been here, the gardens were still as near-dead as they were the last time he was here. He was always the one who was in the gardens. He took note to come back and fix it up for his parents. The sun was high in the sky and beating down on the blonde. Had his parents even seen his blonde hair? He had teal last time, right? Maybe it was auburn?

The dark oak door opened, an older woman with greying brown hair and a nice light blue dress standing in the door frame. A smile crept onto her face as she laid her eyes on her oldest child. She opened her arms, Scott allowing himself to be swooped into the woman's arms.

He greeted her with a small smile, letting her go as they walked into the house together. The house had a modern vibe to it. It was a small two-storey home with four rooms and two bathrooms. There were photos strung up on the walls and the mantelpiece, marks and holes filled the walls, a clear indication of children. Somewhere upstairs, a wall was covered in pencil marking as both Major siblings marked their heights up every birthday up until eighteen.

His father was sitting watching the news, nothing new happening. They had managed to keep the capture of Tommy Watson under wraps. Dream was taking it pretty rough but the Scottish man knew he would heal. Karl was doing well in the private hospital downtown. Sapnap said he was doing well and was looking at a speedy recovery and to care for his fiance, the hothead was taking some time off and everyone was more than happy for him to take it. God knows Sapnap needed it.

The older man turned around in his seat, smiling and standing up at the sight of his son. His glasses were sat on the armrest, and he wore a plain red shirt and grey jacket. Scott pulled his father into a hug, a soft smile on his face.

"Hello, my boy" The older man hollered with a laugh. "Blonde now, eh? Working up the colour wheel"

"Oh Elijah, leave him alone" His mother smiled. Even at their age, they were both still helplessly in love. They were almost like Morticia and Gomez Addams except for the gothic and dark parts. Scott remembered watching the movies with his little sister and they reminded him so much of his parents. The woman turned to her son. "So, any lucky man yet?"

"No, mama" He rolled his eyes playfully, a smile on his lips. She was always asking if he was seeing someone, always pestering about a boyfriend in the works and she always got the same answer much to her disappointment.

"What brings you here?" She put on her glasses, her wavy grey-brown hair being brushed back by her hands. Her eyes were a crystal blue, a brighter version of Scott's duller ones.

"I needed to see Leah, is she here?"

"She's upstairs in her room, dear"

"Thanks, mama" He kissed her cheek before making his way upstairs. He would talk to his parents more after but work came first and they would understand.

He passed by his old room. The door was shut, the paint flaking away at the bottom and his name in those tackey wooden letters. Behind the door was teenage-Scott's life which was frozen in time, he never cleaned it out as he could always come and get it if he so chose as he was only an hour and a half away.

He walked down the hallway and stopped at another wooden door, the paint flaking at the bottom as well except her wooden letters were gone and the old outline was all that remained. Scott could hear the faint sound of his younger sister's piano as it paused and played, he could only imagine she was scribbling down notes and words.

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