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Walking out of Cloud recess along with Sizhui reminds me of the time I brought him here. Him being so sick and as for me I can't remember what really happened after I entered, maybe I have gone into a mini coma, that I woke up after a week or two. Those two weeks of coma was the best thing of my life, because I could meet Wei Ying without any disturbance as he went on talking about Lan yuan. I was there just listening to him and proposing to him once more, trying to know what he really thought of me, but I woke up once again before I got my answer.

"Dad," I hear a yuan calling me. I wait for him to continue. "Do you think Yiling Patriach is as bad as they say?" he asks hesitantly. I look at him fiddling with his fingers as he stares at the uneven ground. 

"No," I tell him firmly. He looks at me in shock but with understanding too. I know he wants to ask many other things, but he is not sure where the line is and whether to cross it or not. "We were classmates once, enemies for a long time, partners for a long long time. Went through life and death, never once was he evil except for his cultivation method. Not sure whether his method is evil or just different if I think about it now. If I would have had this thought then, maybe he wouldn't have met his end," I tell him keeping my voice void of emotions. 

"Oh," he says as he observes me for some time. "Have I ever seen him when I was young? Before I lost my memories," he asks tentatively. I nod my head but didn't bother to explain. What would I explain to him? That he was there under my Wei Ying care for a short period during his turning point or starting point of his doom.

I feel bitter but I know there is no one to blame. "Are you searching for him?" he asks as he walks without looking at me. I question him with my gaze. "I have heard 'Where are you' tune played on zither every night when you were in the house at night. I stay outside until you finish before I enter when I have had my nightmares," he explains. 

You have taught him well, Wei Ying. 

I didn't care to answer as I know my silence is an answer itself. We enter deep into the forest in silence after the small talk. Setting ourselves in the ground, I start the lessons on zither. Though A yuan is just around ten years old, he is a fast learner. He learns with great interest as I teach him patiently even if he makes repeated small mistakes in excitement. 

"Why are you teaching me this, dad? Do you want me to help you search for him? I will do it if you allow me to," he asks with resolution. I give him a small smile. "If I am not there, then do try to search for him," I tell him avoiding his gaze.

"Then I will never have the chance. You will be there always," he shrugs with a small laugh. Not knowing how to reply, I teach him the next notes.

After finishing the lessons, I took him for a stroll around the markets incase he needs to buy something. As Sizhui looks at everything with interest, I too look around to buy something for him, incase he needs a company when I am not around or when I am at night hunt. I was struck when I find a flute just like a duplicate of Wei Ying. Not only my pair of eyes struck on it but there was another pair looking at it from a far distance. 

I turn around to find Jiang Wanyin looking at that same flute with a complicated expression. For a moment, I want to forget what is manners and turn around but I stop myself at the last sec. I stop paying attention to him as I look for Sizhui. He is busy picking up a random doll and observing it from top to bottom, back to front.

I walk near the shop and get the flute without a valid reason and without Sizhui knowing it. I am not sure if by seeing this flute, it will trigger his memories. But I don't want to take the risk.

"Hanguang jun," his dominant voice greets me. "Jiang Wanyin," I greet him back keeping it simple. "Lan yuan, lets go," I call him in a calm voice. I notice Jiang Wanyin eyebrows scrunch and his lips pursing into a thin line. "Wen yuan," he whispers to himself as his hard gaze sets on A yuan. Every one in the past knows this child is Wei Ying favorite and Wen Ning relative, but they have never seen him except for the one in front of me. 

I push A yuan behind me even before he can complete his greetings. "We are leaving," I announce as I turn around. "I see, does your uncle know?" he asks in mockery. I clench my teeth as I push A yuan to walk in front of me. I really have no desire to talk to him, for one, he doesn't know how to talk pleasantly and two, when Wei Ying cultivation level changed and when his sword cultivation went down hill, Jiang Wanyin cultivation level soared high and he didn't use it to protect him, rather he fell for the words of the others and initiated the seige. I will never have time to talk to people who gets manipulated easily. For me, if manipulators are worst, getting manipulated is even worst. 

I know, getting manipulated just means you didn't have a strong trust on what you believe.

I have known Wei Ying for five years and he for 15, but I am sure I know Wei Ying better than him, because he didn't bother knowing Wei Ying on a deeper level though he tried to protect him initially. Few words and he was against him in front row. I did witness the change of attitude firsthand.

"Calm down dad," A yuan voices out as he looks at me with care evident in his eyes. I clutch the place the scar is, as it burns along with this bitter memory. "Are you okay?" he asks as he stops walking totally when we are in a safe distance. I clutch my sword as I try to nod, but I feel dizzy and the world around me spins.

I can't be weak, I have to protect A yuan. I can't afford to fail him too. Don't fall until you take A yuan to a safe place. I repeat this to myself as I ready my bichen for the ride. 

I hold him as I fly my sword towards cloud recess. I didn't mind people looking at me, I didn't mind Sizhui asking me about why I am sweating profusely. I block out all my senses as my only focus is to bring him into cloud recess to keep him safe. 

Suddenly I couldn't see Sizhui beside me, but Wei Ying as he holds onto me weakly. The night of the seige, as I hold onto Wei Ying as we ran away, that scene plays right in front of me. I close my eyes and open it when we reach cloud recess in front of the teaching hall. Just when the students walk out, I land in front of them. I try to keep my eyes open, I try to speak, but I feel that my body is not under my control. Without a word, I knelt down and before I fell Sizhui caught me. 

"Be safe, A yuan," I whisper before I went into a deep sleep. 

Will I meet Wei Ying this time?

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