Maid Application

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Leafy's POV

I left school. I left Firey standing there. He has to think twice if he thinks that I'm going to forgive him quickly after he ignored me for this long.

I left the high school and ran towards BFDIA Middle school. Why? Well my sister Autumn was studying there. She's in 8th grade. Meaning she'll be in the same high school as me next year. Next year I'll be a sophomore. I was late. She was going to be upset with me. She's smart, but she can get childish easily.

But she gets it from her parents, which are mine too. Which makes me childish as well. Though she is younger than me, so that explains how she can get more childish than me. Or maybe I'm more childish than her. Who knows.

Third-Person POV

Leafy arrived to the side of the school. Autumn is sitting down under the tree near the entrance.


Autumn looked up from the book she was reading. A teacher called towards her.

"Is your sister coming? If she doesn't come now you'll have to go on your own."

"Yes she is, she's coming now. I can't head alone home. I don't have a key. Also Leafy is very paranoid" Autumn responds. "Alright then. Take care Autumn. Head inside the school if she doesn't arrive in a couple minutes. The principal doesn't go home until later."

It was September. And at this time of the year the sun goes down early. Autumn smiled at the teacher. "Alright Mr. TV. Have a good day." The teacher left the School grounds.

Leafy's POV

I ran towards the gate entrance. Out of breath. Autumn saw me and got up. I stood up. And walked towards her. She put away her book and was looking at me. She wasn't upset. I wonder why.

"Your late" she started. "Oh yeah. Sorry I was—" I was thinking of an excuse, when she then said, "are- are you crying?" with a concerned look on her face. I hadn't wiped all the tears. "It's okay autumn I'm fine" I smiled. Autumn suddenly said, "I'll do all the chores." What? "Wait what? Autumn you don't need to do that!" She looked at me. "Leafy—"
"Plus you already probably have a lot of homework!"
"And you probably already have plans!"
"And- And-"
I stopped. "Sorry Autumn." I looked down. "Ever since mom and dad have y'know, died. You've been stressing and crying a lot about the bills! Relax. You always do the chores. Let me atleast help you with them and you can worry about a job. That'll be less stressful."
I smiled at her. "Okay."

When we got home we started the chores, or more specifically, Autumn. I tried to help her but she said she insisted on helping. I had some money but not enough for the bills. I decided to buy food. As we didn't have lots of food. I didn't have enough to fill our fridge, but I had enough to buy atleast some takeout.

I went out to buy something good to eat. As I headed back towards home I started noticing the sun was starting to set. I quickly walked around the corner towards my house when I noticed something on the pole near the corner. It was a flyer for a job. I quickly grabbed it, put it in the extra bag I had, and ran home as it started to get dark.

I closed the door. And was welcome by an autumn sitting down with the chores done. I thanked autumn and walked to the kitchen. Placing the takeout on the table when the flyer fell out of the bag. I had forgotten about it!

"Autumn come eat!" I called. "Okay!" I heard in response.

We finished eating and I cleaned up. I didn't let Autumn clean up this time. She already did a lot.
After I was done, I went to my room and checked the flyer.

I had found jobs before, but none of them were paying enough, and most of them were for the night shift. I could take it, but Pin and Autumn wouldn't let me as it wouldn't let me sleep much before school. And I didn't want to leave Autumn alone at home as that's what happened with Mom and Dad. It also explains why I pick up Autumn from school. Autumn is old enough to go home on her own but I am very paranoid ever since that incident happened.

I sat at my desk and checked out the flyer. It was a Maid Application. They were hiring for a personal maid for someone that lives at the house, it appears very gigantic, most likely a mansion. It was for a famous family, but it didn't say who the family was or who the maid was going to work for. But it had enough pay I needed for the bills!

I didn't have to work in the night, I really only had to go to the place in the morning or afternoon, which I decided if I get hired I would go in the afternoon, which is after school and after I get home from picking up Autumn. I had day offs on the weekends. I had to go to work if the Person I work for called me to go to work. I got home in the evening.

There was a note on the flyer that said "If you want to be hired, message us at ***-***-****!" I thought for a second to think about the pros and cons. There were more pros than cons. And I really needed the money as the bills for the house and phones we had are coming in the mail at the end of the this week. They also will pay you extra for the first day which would be enough for food.

It would be for Autumn and me. Nothing could make me say no. Even if i didn't like the job. I would still work there for the money. Me and Autumn needed it.

So without having a second thought, I pulled out my phone. And I messaged the number.

"Hi! I saw the flyer you put up, and I want to apply for the Maid Application"

1054 words.

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