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Leafy's POV


I sigh. "Come on take your medicine."

Firey looks at the medicine with disgust. He was sick.

"No I don't want it."

Firey is away behind his Bed. I try my best to get onto the other side but any move I take he goes the opposite way.

"Your making this difficult!" I say frustrated.

"Too bad, I say not to give me the medicine!" He tries saying knowing I'm his maid.

"Firey your mom is basically my much more important boss.."

"WHAT AREN'T I IMPORTANT?!" He said as if he was shocked.

"You know I have to listen to her over you! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" I start telling him in annoyance.

"No I refuse." Firey starts.


"No." He turns away. Closing his eyes at the same time.

"Firey you better-"

"Nope. I refuse I am not, and I repeat not taking that disgusting tasting medicine-" He slowly turned back around. Little did he know.

"FIREY BLAZE AZAR." I was right behind him, he was trapped into the corner.
He look around in panic. He looked under the bed, which had Bins under it. Only escape was over the bed.

He quickly tried to jump over the bed, but I pulled his hand down, and did my best to hold him down to the side of the bed, inserting the spoon full of medicine into his mouth.

"BLEH!" Firey yelled. He gave up and sat on the bed.
"Finally. Lay down."

"Hmph." But he obediently laid down.

How did he get sick again? Right. From the rain.

The day before.. 3rd person POV


Firey Started to sneeze on the way back after the close-call.

"Firey are you okay?" Leafy asked with concern on the way back handing him the umbrella she brought in case.

"A-ah y-yes I'm fi-fiA- AA- ACHOO!"

"Oh dear.." Leafy said.

"Put on you hood—"

"No Im okay, you should take back the umb-rellA-ACHOO!"


She dropped him off and came back the next day to check on him. And of course for her job.

Back to the present

" don't you get sick?.." Firey says.

"I don't get sick too easily, unlike you sir. Especially under rain, I told you to put on your darn hood!"

At this point, Leafy knew it wouldn't matter either way since Firey got cold easily too, and he was only wearing a thin sweater.

She was just looking for a reason to be upset.


"Come here now, let me check your temperature."

Leafy took the thermometer out of his mouth and checked.

"You have a fever. Look at you, you would be worse if you didn't take the medicine."

Leafy turned around to find Firey shaking.

"'s a-a b-bit co-cold in h-here isn't it?.." Firey said to try and not startle her.

Leafy quickly grabbed Two blankets, and put it on top of his main blanket. He started to show signs of a very bad fever.

"I'll go get you mother!" Leafy was about to leave the side of the bed when suddenly she felt a tug.

She fell a bit beside firey's head.

"Pl-please do-don't leave me" Firey looked at her. Still shivering from the cold he felt.

"Ca-can you w-warm me u-up?.."

"I- I'm sorry Firey I have to go and get something to warm you up." She turned around about to rise up.

Leafy felt another, stronger tug, she found herself laying right in the arms of a sitting Firey.  She immediately started to turn red. He tightly hugged her, not letting her go for any reason. Leafy had no escape.

"Plea-please. Do-don't l-leave."

He looked down towards the leaf colored haired girls face, which was red and looking back at the flame colored hair boy.

647 Words.

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