At your service, Sir.

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Leafy's POV

I stood there. Looking at the flame colored boy. He was looking down. They all had went somewhere. Though Firey seemed bothered. Did he have to go on a date with one of his fans?

"Oh hello! You must be the new maid!" Mrs. Azar came up to me.

"H-hello Mrs. Azar!" I smiled at her. Firey's mother was always very kind. Though I'm not sure if she remembers me.

"Firey come here!" Mrs. Azar said. Firey looked back up and walked towards where we were and realized who I was.

Oh great.

"Firey, this is your new personal maid! What is your name dear? Introduce yourself to him!" She smiled at me.

I sighed to myself, as we, (me and Firey), already knew each other very well. Though I don't like giving attitude especially if Its my first day at my new job. Mrs. Azar was very kind too. Here goes nothing. I thought.

"Leafy Evergreen, at your service Sir." I said as I bowed towards him.

I then stood up straight again and looked at him. And he was, smiling.



He let out a small giggle. I filled up with embarrassment.

After that whole scene I was sent to fold the laundry.

"And..There!" I said proudly as I finished folding the laundry.

"And now to put the clothes awa—"

"Miss Evergreen? Are you here?" I heard Butler Jean  call for me.

"Oh uhm yes! I'm in here!" I responded carrying the folded clothing. Butler Jean comes in.

"Oh you can leave those on the table, Sir Firey is calling you."


"Oh alright!" I left the clothing there. I sighed to myself. Everything has been okay except for the "Sir Firey" part. It's just awkward. Anyways. What does he need me for?

I knock on the door. "Come in" a voice responds.

I walk in.

"Hello? Sir?" I say.

"Hi Leafy" I hear a voice respond. "I'm over here!"

"Oh hm. Alright."

I walk towards where he was. "Sir? What did you call me for?" I ask.

Firey looked at me. "No need to call me sir. Just call me Firey, Leafy." He smiled at me.

"Alright, Firey." I looked away. It got awkward. "Well this is very awkward." Firey then said. "Yeah." I replied. I then walked towards the door. I was about to open the door, when I heard Firey say something. "Where are you going?" Firey asked.

I sighed, "If you don't need me for anything I have to go and help the others."

"Oh uhm okay." Firey said. I was about to open the door when he asked,

"Hey Leafy?.."

"Yes Firey?" I responded as I closed the door.

".." He stayed in thought for a bit.

I looked at him in confusion. "Hm??"

"Do..Do you hate me?.." he then said. I stared at him blankly. I looked away downwards.

I finally answered. "No. Im upset with you, but I can't avoid or ignore you forever. Running from problems from the past isn't going to help me move on from it."

He looked at me. "Leafy, I'm sorry. It's my fault your upset with me."

I sighed. "I know your sorry, I just don't know if it's actually because you actually are sorry, or your just giving me pity."

"Because of your apology, y'know, the one with reputation and all, I just don't know if I should trust again." I turned around.

"Oh." I heard him say.

I opened the door. "If you need something just call me."

"O..okay." He said in response.

"I don't think your a bad person Firey. The apology you gave me just wasn't the right one." I said as I closed the door.

Im pretty sure he would need time to think.

634 words.

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