
311 11 3

Word count: 1803

Chapter warnings: Mild language and themes


When Y/N awoke, the first thing she noticed was that the sirens had stopped. Whether that was a good sign, she wasn't sure yet, but as she rubbed her eyes and looked out the window, the state of the dust had not changed. The car was parked and turned off, but it wasn't chilly- if anything, it was a little warm. She recognized the buildings around them as the area around Chan's studio. He must have driven here after she'd fallen asleep. Looking up to the front seat, she saw that he was leaning back in his chair, mouth slightly ajar as his chest rose and fell slowly. She was happy that he'd dozed off as well- it wasn't always easy for him to rest like he was supposed to.

It was only when she turned to the other window, trying to see the run-down brick wall of the recording studio, that she realized she was restricted in her movement. Looking down, she saw that the man from the night before was clinging onto her waist, head on her stomach, also asleep. She sighed, trying to wriggle into more of a sitting position. She didn't want to wake him up, but unfortunately, the movement caused him to stir. He grumbled in the back of his throat as she watched, trying to keep still so as not to scare him again. Suddenly, he sat up straight, the air now actually a bit cool against the spot where he'd been laying. He blinked hard a few times, as if trying to get his bearings. He looked out the window, then to her, then Chan, then her again.

"Morning." He said, tone still throaty as he tried to swallow his grogginess. Her eyes widened as she just stared at him. "What, is there something on my face?"

"Do you... not remember yesterday?" She asked, trying not to say anything too drastic too quickly. After all, if he was able to switch his behavior that quickly the first time, there was no doubt he could do it again.

"Yesterday...?" After a second, he looked at her again. "Who are you?" Sighing in exasperation, she pointed out,


"Do you have any food in here? I'm starving."

"Can we maybe talk first?" She asked as he started rifling through the pocket on the back of the seat.

"I haven't eaten since yesterday." He complained.

"You just woke up."

"Still." Sighing in annoyance, she slipped her arm up, popping open the center console. After digging through some napkins, she felt her fingertips touch something. Pulling out a handful and removing the loose change and pencil, she said, "I've got two Hershey's kisses, a flat granola bar, and a stick of gum."

"What flavor gum?" He asked.

"Doesn't gum make you hungrier?" She pointed out, before shaking her head, reminding herself to get back on topic. "It doesn't matter. You can have this after you tell me what's going on."

"How do you expect me to know?"

"Well, you were freaking out yesterday."

"There's actually nothing. I was acting." She raised an eyebrow.

"Are you seriously not going to tell me right now?"

"Nothing to tell." He shrugged. "Granola bar?"

"What the hell is your deal?" She asked, starting to raise her voice. He reached for it, causing her to hold it up and behind her.

"Come on," he whined. "Stop being a bitch,"

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