Plan C

233 12 5

Word count: 2562

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes


"We should go straight to it and see what's going on." She insisted. "Maybe someone can help us."

"Or it could be the people who started this whole mess." Changbin countered. "In which case, we'll all get fucked, and we'll just have to hope some other poor survivor doesn't make the same mistake."

They had been at this for almost ten minutes, and still, no one could seem to reach a conclusion. Their pro-con lists were taking them in circles. She was wishing more and more by the second that she had just ignored Chan and Gone with her gut. Now she was just stuck in an endless loop of inter-personal bureaucracy that threatened to kill them all of old age before the greys even had a shot at them.

"Jeongin, back me up here," She begged him. His uncovered eye darted nervously between the other two men at the table, unsure which was the real threat- aside from Y/N of course. It would be the first time he'd disagreed with her since they'd met, but...

"I don't think it's a good idea to just run over there." He admitted. "What if it's dangerous?" Groaning, Y/N palmed her forehead as if she had a headache.

"What do you propose we do, then?"

"Just wait." Changbin insisted. "We have plenty of food now, our generator is working, we're set for a good bit-"

"So you just want to sit here and let things happen until 'hopefully'" she mocked, "Someone comes along and saves the day. Aren't you supposed to be the cynic?"

"Well my oh so cynical opinion is that if we go out there, we're going to die." He spat.

"Greys can't even see through inorganic objects." She argued. "As long as we're in the car, we're safe from greys. We can meet up with the other people and finally figure out what the hell is going on."

"But what if these people are the ones that fucked everything up to begin with? It could be an evil plot- or even more likely, they'll just want to get rid of the witnesses to whatever giant mistake this is!" And so they were back at square one. She couldn't count how many times they had found their way back into the same trench of arguing. Standing up, she finally said,

"You know what? You stay here, since that's what you want to do. Someone needs to take care of Jisung, anyway. Anyone who wants to actually do something can come with me. If not, stay here." Before she even let them respond, she grabbed the keys off the counter and walked out the front door. The second it shut behind her, she felt unsure of herself, but she wasn't about to turn around and admit defeat now. She didn't need them, anyway. If they wanted to be babies, let them. She wasn't going to wait around to get rescued.

As she opened the door to the car, she heard the front door open and shut again. Her heart jumped a bit, unsure of which one it could be, but she wasn't about to seem desperate by turning around. It was only when they got in the passenger seat that she allowed herself to look over, trying to keep calm.

"You can't leave your best friend here." He smiled at her, surprising her. Out of all of them, the only ones who were really even contenders to follow her were Chan and Jeongin. Changbin had made his opinion clear, and Jisung wasn't in any state to make decisions for himself. Still, she realized incredibly quickly why this person in particular had followed her out.

"If you're here to try and protect me or lecture me or convince me to go back inside, I don't want to hear it." She grumbled. Chan put his hands up in surrender shaking his head.

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