Project Ultra

181 10 14

Word count: 2461

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes


Y/N groaned as she tried to turn in her seat. She was completely disoriented, barely able to tell which was was up. It was still dark, although she could feel the soft, slowly deflating airbag against her arm. Chan's car was such a piece of shit, it was a miracle the things had even deployed. Still, they hadn't done much besides bruise her up. The seatbelt felt like it was suffocating her around the middle, but it had kept her in her chair. Tugging at it, she realized that the car was at least sideways, if not upside down. It looked like the windshield was mostly shattered, although she couldn't quite tell.

"Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?" Chan was asking frantically. At least he was aware as well.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She said a little shakily, "I think."

"Hold on, I'll try and get you out." She heard a couple involuntary noises of struggle from his throat as he wriggled around, and then the click of the seatbelt. She felt around for her own, but upon locating the button, realized it was dented, unable to unhook the clasp. There was a crunching noise as Chan walked over glass, and it wasn't long before she felt a hand against her arm.

"The belt is stuck," She warned him as he began to reach around to her other side.

"Alright, I'll see if I can cut it." Using a pocketknife attached to his keyring (at least he'd remember to pull his keys out of the ignition) he started slicing at the belt, careful to avoid cutting her. It wasn't as effective as a seatbelt cutter, but it only took him a minute or two to cut through all the fibers, letting it go slowly so that it wouldn't whip around as it retreated back into the mechanism. After helping her out of the car, avoiding the glass, they assessed the damage.

"Well, I guess that's totaled." He tried to say lightly.

"I hated it anyway." She joked in return. Now, though, they were faced with a different problem. The only reason they were even able to see the car was the light filtering in from the hold they had fallen into. At first, she would have guessed that it was just a sinkhole, but now that they were looking, the whole thing was clearly manmade. The pit was rectangular, a few specks of dirt from the ground above still falling in. It was almost as if someone had waited to open it until they were close enough that they wouldn't have been able to keep from falling in.

The actual room they were in was just as strange. The floor was concrete, and it must have been sturdy considering their fallen car hadn't damaged it at all. They couldn't see any walls, meaning that they were far enough away that the surface light couldn't illuminate them. Even as they spoke, their voices echoed, confirming her suspicions that the place was fairly large.

"Do you think we can climb up somehow?" She asked, still staring upwards.

"I doubt it. Maybe we just start walking? Someone has to have built-"

"Ah!" They both jumped as a loud, cheerful voice called out from behind them. Spinning, they were faced with the last thing they thought would be down here- just some... regular guy. He was fairly tall, and maybe a bit on the skinnier side. He was dressed in black jeans and a white shirt, although the latter was clearly stained by some kind of dirt or grease. His hair fell just past his ears, and he wore a big, bright smile. "I'm happy to finally meet the survivors!" Chan and Y/N looked at each other, then back to the man.

"Survivors?" Chan asked tentatively.

"Well, you're human, aren't you?" He asked. "Of course you are. So you've survived so far! Ergo, you are survivors. I was worried that everything had gone just a tad too far, but clearly it's not an impossible feat to make it out there!"

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