Supply Run

226 10 7

Word count: 2802

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes


"I told you, I can go by myself." She grumbled as she walked towards the front door, shoes already on. After breakfast had finished, Changbin had gone back to his room, likely to distract himself with writing music or something. Jeongin had joined them about halfway through, but he'd scarfed down his food, sensed the tension, and disappeared as well. It isn't matter, though, the two boys would be able to hear Chan and Y/N arguing from any corner of the house.

"I don't want you going by yourself! It's dangerous!"

"Then I can take Jeongin."

"Why do you suddenly trust him so much more than me?!" Chan growled in frustration. "You've known him for like, 2 days!"

"Exactly, so he's respectful and polite. You just act however you want."

"So do you!"

"Well, we agree, then!" She pointed out. "I don't need anyone to help me grab Doritos from the gas station, so sit your butt down and do whatever it is you always do while I run our errands!"

"We're back to this?" He groaned. "This is completely different!"

"How? You ignored me before, you can do it now!"

"Are you seriously doing this right now? If you were upset, why didn't you tell me then? Why is it suddenly a problem now that we're in the middle of the death of humanity?"

"Because you're being a hypocrite right now. If you were being a hypocrite before I would have gotten upset before."

"I'm not being a-" He breathed in, trying to get control of himself so that he could offer a valid argument. "I'd just really prefer if someone went with you, so-"

"So Jeongin can come." She finished, causing him to get angry all over again. She was just talking him in circles, and they both knew it, but he didn't know how to break out of it.

"Y/N, I swear to God-"

"Can you two keep it down?" Changbin asked, having come out of his room, finally sick of all the bickering. "Take it outside if you have to. Just don't get eaten alive."

"Let me come with you so we can at least argue without bothering everyone else." Chan said to her. As she opened her mouth to protest again, he cut in once more, saying, "If we get back and we still haven't worked it out, I'll drop it." She narrowed her eyes skeptically.


"Promise." He held out a pinky. Shaking it, she turned on her heel, opening the door and promptly walking out towards the car, causing him to half-sprint and catch up, scanning around for any greys. As they got into the car, he took the driver's seat without asking, starting it up.

As Y/N got into the passenger seat, she just noticed the little pile of fur sitting in the man's lap. Raising an eyebrow curiously, she asked,

"Why exactly are we bringing the dog?"

"Are you serious?" Chan looked seriously confused. "I'm not leaving Wolf alone with those lunatics."

"It's just Changbin and Jeongin."

"Exactly." He nearly shivered at just the thought, slowly pulling off onto the road, even earning a little laugh from her. He knew where the nearest grocery store was. They would just go there to start- now that they had plenty of gas, it shouldn't be too much trouble. Now he could get to what he really wanted to ask.

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