Right Here

189 10 1

Word count: 1438

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes, violence


"We need to figure out what's next for us." Jeongin said as they sat around the table eating breakfast.

"What do you mean by that?" Chan asked, nothing but a cup of coffee in front of him.

"Well, obviously we need to start turning greys back." Changbin pointed out. "Now that we know there are real people in there, we need to save them." Jisung, the reason they even knew that (along with Wolf, of course), was still in bed, but she assumed he'd agree. Just statistically, it was very likely that people had died, but the ones that were still wandering around were still salvageable.

"Except for Y/N, of course." Chan laughed, the other two boys joining in. She glared at all of them, not wanting to start her day this early with their strange chivalry bullshit.

"Channie, we've been over this, I don't need saving." She grumbled.

"Oh, I don't want to save you." He assured her. "I hope you die." She felt her heart drop as she looked at him. It had no undertones of being a joke, but as she checked his face, it was also dead serious, the light smile that always brushed his lips still present.

"...What?" She asked.

"You're not worth keeping around." Jeongin laughed. She looked over, not even sure what to say, involuntarily gasping as she made eye contact with him. One of his eyes was pouring out blood, leaking down onto the table, over his jeans, and onto the floor, puddling out in an eerie, red pool. Before she'd even had the chance to react, she heard a weak voice from behind her, whimpering, as if they were crying. Turning, she fell out of her chair, looking up at him as the blood soaked into her clothes.

"Why can't I see, Y/N?" Jisung asked, watery, tear-diluted blood dripping down his face from his eye sockets, as well as from his nose, the sound of the liquid hitting the floor almost too loud. "Where are my eyes?"

"Where are his eyes, Y/N?" Chan sneered at her. "You want to be so big and strong and helpful, but you really can't do shit, can you?"

"It's okay," Changbin comforted her with a smile, "We've always known you were worthless." The blood from Jeongin's eyes was pooling upwards, nearly at her shoulders now. How was it so deep? She couldn't breathe- she wouldn't be able to in a minute.

"If only he could have your eyes, Y/N." Chan shook his head. "Then maybe you'd be good for something." She felt tears falling down her face, but they were quickly overtaken by the rush of blood covering her face. She held her breath as it submerged her, vision going red. She couldn't hold her breath for long. Crying, waiting, she tried so hard, but then finally, her mouth was forced to open.

Screaming, she sat straight up in her bed, not drenched in blood, but sweat. Looking around frantically, she tried to reorient herself, unable to see. Did they take her eyes? What was going on? She began to realize that she wasn't blind, the room was just dark. The guest bedroom... She was in a guest bedroom, in Changbin's house. The same boring paintings, beige walls, and slightly out-of-place fancy furniture. Her heart was nearly beating out of her chest as she violently shook her head, begging the images burned into the back of her eyelids to leave her mind.

"Y/N?" She jumped as she heard a voice, the door opening quickly. Standing in the hallway, hand clenched around the door handle in nothing but his underwear, (although she was lucky he was wearing anything at all), "Is something wrong? I heard you yell, I thought there was a grey in here or something-"

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