Invisibility Cloak

280 13 0

Word count: 2699

Chapter warnings: Mild language and themes


As the three (or rather, four) of them peered out the glass doors, they were at a loss for what to do. The two greys were still wandering around, now closer to their car than when Chan had first come in. They watched in silence, each worried to say something in fear that the creatures would hear it, even though they'd exhibited no ability to hear much of anything so far.

"So what do we do?" Jeongin whispered, the first to point out their conundrum.

"Do you think we can sneak by?" She asked.

"Not likely," Chan seemed grim. "They're fast. And besides that, but we still have to pump the gas... They'll definitely catch that."

"Maybe we can think of something..." Jeongin muttered. "We just have to figure out how they sense stuff. They don't have eyes, right? So maybe they can't see- what if they go off of noise?"

"I don't know," Chan's eyes narrowed, "When I was coming in, Wolf was barking like crazy, and they didn't even notice. Honestly, I thought I was dead."

"We just have to test some stuff." She reasoned. "They clearly don't care that we're in here, so we can just stay safe by keeping inside. From here, we can test if they react to audio, visuals, physical contact, whatever."

"That seems risky." Chan looked at her, worried, but she raised an eyebrow, asking,

"Do you have a better idea?" He had to admit that he didn't. There wasn't really much they could do, aside from just waiting for the greys to move along. They were antsy to find Changbin and Jisung, though, and who knew how long it could take for the creatures to leave?

Pushing her body against the glass of the door, she looked out again. the car was maybe thirty or forty feet away, not so far as for them not to be audible already. Still, she wanted to be sure. Raising a closed fist, she brought it up to the glass. Before she rapped on it, she paused, a little bit unsure of what would happen if they could in fact hear her. She even felt the boys beside her hold their breaths, afraid as well. Finally, though, she gave a sharp few hits, the sound of skin on glass echoing through the eerily empty store, and likely out to the pumps as well. Staring at the greys in fear, they waited, and...

Nothing. They didn't react at all. All three of them left out a sigh of relief as they were able to avoid the attention of the nightmarish things. So, audio was out... At least, for the most part. There was always the chance that they were just particularly hard of hearing rather than totally deaf, but she was mostly satisfied.

"Okay, so... No on the hearing." Jeongin repeated the thought process she had already been through internally. "What does that leave us with...?"

"Uh, vision." Chan said. "But the only way to test that is..." He glanced towards the door. Since they clearly didn't notice the people inside the gas station, the only real choice to test their theory was to try and catch their attention from outside.

"There have to be other things we can try." Jeongin tried to reason. "Maybe smell? Or motion? Like, maybe they can't see, but they can tell when something is moving by radius?"

"All of that would require us to go outside." She pointed out. "It's fine, I'll go do it. Just make sure you're ready to open the door."

"No, Y/N-" Chan grabbed her arm as she reached for the handle. He didn't realize that he was freaking her out even more severly- she was already starting to doubt if she'd be able to go outside on her own. "I don't want you out there."

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