
220 9 1

Word count: 1106

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes


"You stupid fucking idiot! I hate you and I hate your stupid face and your stupid principles and I hope you rot in hell!" She yelled, hitting him in the arm. Groaning, he countered,

"I missed you too, honey."

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" She shoved him again. "You dirty rotten liar!"

"What else was I supposed to do?" He laughed. "You're so goddamned stubborn, you didn't really leave me any other choice."

Y/N had rushed over to the new hospital as soon as she'd heard. That man may not have had much of a backbone, but he really did find Chan. And more surprisingly, alive. He'd been taken in as people were being rescued, and put in a hospital. He'd been incapacitated up until now, hence why he didn't call. Changbin drove the three of them over as fast as he could, but once they arrived, he'd realized that he should give the two some space.

"You were supposed to listen to me for once, you dork."

"Hey, watch the arm." He mumbled, clenching his teeth. "And the leg, and the- the everything."

"How did you even make it out of there alive?" She asked in amazement. "What happened?"

"Well, thankfully whatever 'ultra 2.0' was wasn't actually infectious, even if that guy thought it was." He said. "I think those things used to be dogs. Fighting them was definitely not going in a good direction. They got my arm," He lifted it up slightly to show the bandage. So that's why he was bleeding. "But I noticed that every time I was knocked down, they wouldn't do anything until I got back up. I think since the dust idea failed, he was trying to make them recognize when someone died." He explained.


"So, I played down on the ground and pretended to be dead." He shrugged. "When the guy came to get my body, I pulled him in and switched places."

"And here I was thinking you were my hero," She joked, "When you were just playing dead."

"When have you ever thought I was your hero?" He rolled his eyes.

"Touche. So, what, he's dead?"

"Uh, about that," Chan said with an awkward laugh. "I threw him in there, but he, uh, still had the remote. I left before I could see, but..." Sighing, she hung her head. There was no way someone with the capability to create such vile monsters would be so easily defeated while holding the remote to his own creation.

"Well, it's fine." She tried to smile. "We can talk to the police, or whatever detectives or international agency, or secret spies we have to. We'll get him."

"We'd better. I'm not gonna be able to walk right for like, a month." He complained.

"Is it really that bad?" She asked jokingly.

"It really is. Every inch of my body is broken." Leaning over to study his arm... then his chest... then his face, she asked...

"Every inch?" A labored breath dropping involuntarily from his mouth as he watched her hair fall when she leaned over, he looked to the side in embarrassment.

"Well... maybe not every inch."

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to hurt you-" She joked.

"Oh, for Christ's sake." He mumbled, trying to pull himself up, but hissing as he was forced to drop back down to the bed.

"Sorry! Sorry!" She laughed, leaning over again and kissing him, hands settling where his collarbones met his shoulders.

"You are so mean." He mumbled against her mouth.

"Well, if that's the case," she pulled back.

"No!" He insisted, leaning forward to kiss her again.

"Should we come back later...?" She heard a voice from behind her as she pulled off his lips. Looking over, she saw Changbin snickering in the doorway, Jeongin leading Jisung and Wolf in. No doubt he'd had to put on a hell of a lot of charm to let a dog in.

"Yes." Chan said, arching for her, but she rolled her eyes,

"No, come on in." She reassured them, backing up so that everyone could gather around.

"Wolf!" Chan smiled, holding his arms up as best he could. She rolled her eyes again, wondering how he was so easily distracted between her and the dog.

"It's good to see you, man." Changbin leaned down to hug him, careful not to squeeze too hard.

"Yeah, good to see you." Jisung repeated as the room fell silent. "Well don't everyone laugh at once." He grumbled.

"So what has Y/N told you?"

"Uh...." Chan looked to her. He didn't want to say it, but...

"You've just been making out the whole time?" Changbin asked. His shocked face confirmed it.

"You need to tell us what happened, dude!" Jisung insisted. "Where have you been, we thought you died or whatever!"

"I just finished telling the story," he complained, "You tell me what happened with you."

"Well, we thought you died," Jisung gushed, "And Y/N was all sad and crying, so Jeongin slapped her! And then Jeongin figured out the whole thing the military was doing, so we replaced the mustard gas with water! So it rained and everything was fixed." Jisung summarized excitedly.

"Aww, you cried when I died?" Chan joked, looking at her. She stared at him.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you like me?" He asked with a gasp.

"You are such a fucking nerd."

"Wait, wait, go back," he started to say, but she cut him off.

"No, I'm not gonna listen to you bully me for crying-"

"No, not that." His eyes slid over to Jeongin. "I know I did not hear Jisung say you hit my girlfriend."

"Uh...?" Jeongin struggled to find words to say.

"You little shit!" He started to sit up, Changbin and Y/N rushing to hold him down, trying to keep him from hurting himself.

"I'm sorry!" He whined. "I had to-"

"Had to, my ass-" He snarled, although finally leaned back into the pillows again. Thankfully, the conversation migrated back to its lightheartedness, although Jeongin was notably a few steps further from Chan now. She looked out the window, smile slowly fading as she looked at the blue sky.

That man... He could still be out there. He was probably still out there. He could go back to doing what he was plotting at any minute. Still, as she heard Chan calling her back over to the bed, she sighed. She owed it to him to smile, to hug him, to tell him everything would be okay. She could do that much.

She could do that much for him today.

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