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Word count: 2518

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes, violence


Chan's driving on the way back to the house was no doubt terrifying, but she wasn't about to complain. if there was even a slim chance that they could fix Jisung, they had to act now. Every second that passed was another that Jisung could have gotten out, or Changbin changed his mind and decided to throw him out, or Jeongin- well, the possibilities were endless. And scary.

As they drove, they saw a few greys here and there. All of them... they were all people at one point. They were still people now. She looked to Chan, eyes dead set on the road ahead and jaw locked, no doubt clenching his teeth nervously. He was going to crack an incisor with all of his nervous habits.

"Chan, shouldn't we... Shouldn't we stop and help everyone?" He'd been having the same thought as well... But for now, his goal was dead set on one person, not to mention he wasn't willing to put Y/N in that kind of danger.

"It'll... It'll only confuse them. We can't afford to stay and help them right now, they'll just be alone and blind. We know we can fix it, now, so they can wait a little longer." She wanted to believe him, but at the same time... As long as they were out there, there could be innocent, still unharmed people at risk. Still, it didn't seem like he was going to budge, and now wasn't really the time to start a fight, even she knew that.

Y/N was clutching Wolf in her lap, trying her best to comfort him. On its own, what had happened to him was terrible, but she was shutting it out, trying not to think about it until their friend was safe. It wasn't easy, but she was proficient at it, to say the least. She didn't know if there was any way to get his eyesight back, but for now, the dog being alive was more than enough for her.

When they arrived at the house, Chan barely looked around for signs of danger before jumping out of the car. He didn't even wait for her as he barreled up the front steps, although she didn't really blame him. Stumbling out of the car, animal in hand, she followed him, Changbin already confusedly greeting them in the foyer by the time she'd gotten in. Now dressed, he was completely caught of guard, Chan ranting in run-on sentences that he couldn't even process.

"Grey! Dust- eyes, Jisung!"

"What- what's going on?" Changbin looked between the two of them, but then grew concerned as he saw Y/N holding onto the quietly whimpering dog. "What happened to Wolf?"

"We were in the store, we left Wolf in the car," she started explaining. "There were greys, so we had to do everything with our eyes closed. When we came back to put all the stuff in, though, he got out, and attacked, and then he turned into a grey-" Changbin immediately took a step back, looking at the dog with caution. He'd never seen an animal turned into a grey, but he had no reason to think it was any less violent than a human who had become one. It was beyond him why it was docile now. "Then he attacked Chan, and then me, so he threw a jar at it, and-"

"Wash the dust off!" Chan cut her off, not bothering with the explanation. Grabbing Changbin by the shoulders, he practically shook the boy like he was trying to steal lunch money. "If you wash the dust off, they go back to normal!"

"...What?" Changbin asked again, not really sure what to say. He looked to Y/N nervously, as if Chan might have somehow gone crazy while they were out.

"It's true," she said, "We think that's why they take your eyes. It's the only part of you that can never be covered in dust. Besides your organs, I guess-"

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