
247 12 0

Word count: 1856

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes


"Are you kidding me?!" Y/N groaned as Chan continued to maneuver around parked cars, vehicle bumping along.

"I'm sorry! We drove all the way up the mountain, what did you expect?"

"It's not-" Catching herself, she sighed. "It's not your fault, it's just... frustrating."

"Look," He said, tone calming, "I want to find Changbin and Jisung just as much as you do. We're just gonna have to do this first." Looking down to the gas gauge, he laughed nervously. "Uh, and we're gonna have to do it soon."

"There are two gas stations across from each other at the intersection up ahead, that's where I'd always go when you'd send me on snack runs." She suggested.

"Don't say that like we didn't go with you-" Chan pointed out defensively.

"You never came! It was always Jisung!"

"Yeah, well, he hates working." Chan mumbled.

"Or you love it too much." She countered.

"Why are you always like this?" He said, half in a mutter, almost as if felt it would set her off the second it left his lips. She knew she should just let it go. They had bigger things to deal with than the same old petty arguments they always had. She couldn't help it, though.

"Always like what?"

"Nothing, forget it." He grumbled.

"No! Seriously! Always like what?"

"Like you're my mother or something!" He finally exclaimed. "Go to sleep, eat, get up, go to the studio, stay home today. You're not resting enough, Chan. You're not my mother, I'm a literal grown man."

"I only do it because I care about you!" She protested. "Without me, you'd shower once a month- when you happened to be outside while it's raining."

"Do you know how pretentious you sound?"

"Do you know how ridiculous you sound? If you want me to stop, fine, but I'm not visiting you in the hospital."

"Uh, guys?" Jeongin cut in, causing them both to jump slightly. They'd honestly forgotten he was even there- they were so used to being in the same range of people, it was definitely a change they'd have to get used to. Y/N was immediately embarrassed that they'd been bickering in front of him, but Chan just seemed to take out his frustration on the boy as well.

"What is so important?"

"We, uh, just passed the gas stations." Looking in the rearview mirror, Chan saw that he was right, making an exasperated noise before swinging the car into a harsh U-turn, throwing the other two against the right side of the vehicle. Neither said anything. Pulling in, they all got out of the car, hesitantly at best. Looking around, none of them saw any greys, so Chan moved to the pump, opening the gas cap. When he turned to go through the motions of actually getting the gas, though, he realized that the machine was completely off.

"Well, shit." He cursed under his breath.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked, walking over to try and see if she could fix it.

"I don't need your help." He spat, still a bit sore from their conversation a few minutes ago. Looking at it, she put a palm to her forehead.

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