Confession [Fluff]

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[] Russias POV []

"Go faster" He gasped eagerly.

"I can't, have you ever heard of a speed limit..?" I groaned, tightening my grip on the steering wheel.

"If you don't you'll miss it" America whined. "It's just a meteor shower" I rolled my eyes, smiling.

I actually like such things, and things related to space, do not tell him that though.

"You're the one who suggested it, and insisted on me coming along!" America crossed his arms, leaning into his seat.

The main reason I invited him to watch the meteor shower, was because I've been planning to confess my huge crush on him. Not that I would say it's huge.

"Yeah, I thought you'd like such cheesy things" "What makes you think that?" "You cried to Find Dory—" "So? I'm just brave for showing my feelings, unlike you poker face" He stuck his tongue out at me. I shook my head at him through the front mirror.

"Can I put some music on?" "Sure" I handed him my phone. "Ouch-" "What-?" "It's just... your wallpaper is so hot, it kinda burnt me" He smirked. "But it's you-" "Exactly" He whistled.

Not many seconds later, music could be heard in the distance. "What's the song called?" I asked, slightly curious. "Save Your Tears, by The Weekend" "It sounds like shit" "SHUT THE FUCK UP- Like Actually!" He gasped offended. I just smirked. "I'm just messing with you Ame, stop taking everything so seriously~"


I locked my car after we had found the nearest parking lot.

"Is this the place..?" America asked. "We'll have to walk the rest, why?" I asked. "How long will it take?" "Why..?"

I glanced him up and down, he was shivering slightly. "You cold..?" "No, I'm just shivering for fun.." He breathed out. "Sssh" I shook my head with a smile, and walked up to him.

America raised a brow, but silently stared at me as I placed my Ushanka on top of his head.

A small blush spread across his cheeks. 'Maybe this was a dumb idea, what if I embarrassed him?' I internally cried. 'Ah well, it's too late to back up now. Might as well hope for the best'

I pulled my scarf off, and folded it out so it was bigger. I wrapped it around the smallers shoulders like a blanket. America seemed to like it, due to him lightly snuggling up to the scarf. "Better..?" "Yeah.. Thanks" He smiled warmly at me, his eyes shining like the light of dawn hitting the lake.

"Let's get going" I smiled at him. Before turning slightly, waiting for him to come along.

We both walked down a dirt path in some grassy field. "The moon is beautiful, is it not?" America smiled at me, not even looking at the moon.

'Sure- but not as beautiful as you' "Yeah, it very much is" I smiled at him, before tearing my gaze towards the moon.

I felt something poking my hand, I glanced down and noticed America reaching secretly for my hand. "Is your hand cold..?" "Yeah.. sorry"

I grabbed his hand, and interlocked our fingers, giving his hand a little squeeze.

"Are we there soon..?" America asked. "Yeah, but there's something I wanna ask you before we arrive" My heartbeat started to beat faster, I could almost feel it pump out of my chest.

"Sure, hit me with it" America smiled, keeping his gaze on the hill we're walking up on.

"I like you"

"Wha-?" "And I've been into you for gods know how long. I just couldn't keep it in me anymore, so here I am confessing. I respect if you do not like me back, but if you do.. I have one question to ask.."


"I know, it's very all of the sudden.." I rubbed the back of my neck with my other hand.

America let go of my hand and stopped up, looking down at his feets. 'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'

"Russia, this is very all of the sudden, I'll give you that" He exhaled. "But, I don't know how to respond to you without crying.." He shakily replied.

"You don't have to respond now, I can wait" "I do have to.."

"Cause... I love you too" He smiled at me, tears running down his cheeks.

"America, do you mean it" My eyes lit up. "I do" He tackled me onto the ground, hugging me as his life depended on it.

"I've liked you for so long, but never had the courage to ask since you're so hard to read at times" He shakily laughed. "At least we both know the truth now, and that's what matters" I wiped his tears away.

"America, would you like to be my boyfrie-" "Oh shut up" He grabbed the both sides of my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I was shocked, but nonetheless kissed back while cupping his cheek.

I pulled away, just staring into his eyes. "Woah.." I smiled at him. "Russia" America pointed up.

I looked up, and saw the meteor rain light up the sky.

This was the best moment in my life. Having the love of my life in my arms, while knowing he loves me back, in this very moment under the beautiful sky...

I am certain on one thing.
I wouldn't change it for the world


Hope you enjoyed this small Fluff one shot! :)

Let me know if you want more like these^^

Stay tuned for the next shot ;)

-Sincerely Dew

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