Hate [Spice]

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[] Americas POV []

I stared at the other countries in the room, scattered around the tight spaced room. Where were we? In the schools shed.. Why? Well... Me being me, I can't resist a challenge. They said they had the perfect challenge for me, that they knew I wouldn't complete for once.

"So.. What's the challenge?" I asked, rubbing my hands together. "As you may know... You've always found a way to complete your challenges, even if we were to challenge you to burn the school down.. I honestly think you'd do it" South Korea approached me.

"I would" I smirked pridefully. "But.. I did not have anything in mind, that's why I asked Japan for help. At first she was surprised that I asked her, but now she's really grateful.." He started. "Yeah yeah, just get on with it" I crossed my arms.

"Alright.." He paused for a second. "Your challenge is.." He grabbed the door handle, and opened the door to reveal a tall country. Or rather known as Russia, or as I'd like to call him The source of my negativity. "To be handcuffed to Russia for the rest of the day" He smiled, as he pulled me and Russia close before he handcuffed us together.

"Hey! I did not agree with this. You told me Belarus was here crying" Russia complained, no surprise there. "I know. I lied, because I knew you would do it otherwise" He explained, while I just glared at the russian.

"Of course, you could always give up.. and lose your streak" He smiled with a glint in his eye.

'I'm so gonna beat Japan and South for this later...' I growled silently.

"Text me if you need me" South waved before leaving the two of us alone in the shed. I heard the doors lock before I could do anything.

"This is your goddamn fault.. If it weren't for your pride, I wouldn't have been stuck here with you" Russia spat at me. "Shut the fuck up, will you? It's not like I wanted this either" "Just give up then, and the both of us will be free" Russia glared.

"Are you insane or just heavily stupid?" I asked, staring dumbfounded at him. "I'm rational, you should try it" He flipped me off.

'That's it! He's going down!' I screamed internally. "You son of a-" I cut myself off by pushing him, causing his back to hit the back of the wall.

Of course, being forgetful as I, I forgot we were cuffed together. Causing me to fall into his chest.

Before I could steady myself, I felt pain in my back as I had fallen onto the floor with Russia on top of me, pinning me down.

"Fucking capitalistic pig" He spat at me. "Communist" I glared at him.

"Shut the fuck up" I felt his strong hands wrap around both of my wrists, holding them on each side of my head.

I lifted my knee to the bottom of his stomach to try and block him, but it only caused him to glare harder.

"You shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you have to say" I frowned, furrowing my brows. "I said 'Shut the fuck up'" His grip on my wrists tightened, causing my to gasp.

"Fucking Make me-" I exhaled. "That's right you can't-" I was cut off by the taller biting my lip. I groaned, pushing against him making him pull away.

I could taste some blood. "So we're playing that way" I pushed my elbows against the floor to try and lift myself up, before kissing his lips. I felt him kiss back not soon after.

I bit down on his bottom lip, causing him to groan. Which I took as an advantage, and slipped my tongue inside.

I felt his tongue battling against mine, his slowly winning. I felt like I'd lose this battle any second. My whole body felt strange, and I felt my cheeks heat up along with my whole body.

Once he won, I bit his tongue causing him to pull back "Fuck you" I used my last strength to flip us over so I was on top. "I fucking hate you" He muttered. "Not as much as I hate you" I clenched onto his shirt, trying to hold him down.

He looked utterly disgusting with that messy hair, and the salvia drooling down his chin. "I hate you with my entire life" I said frowning at him.

Hope y'all enjoyed this trash. This is my first time writing such, so expect it to be trash.

Also hello- hru? :')

Also thanks for reading, have a good time^^

— Sincerely Dew
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