Only You [Stalker] Part 2

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I need to think of something quickly.

My eyes scanned the room I was sat in. Mexico was currently in his kitchen bringing some snacks or something.

Tap, tap, tap

I can't take the thoughts of not knowing what Russia's up to.

Tap, tap, tap

What if he's meeting someone? What if someone's trying to get with him?

Tap, tap, tap

I can't take it. What is the Russian up to? I need to know..

Tap, tap, ta-

"Dude, calm down" A familiar voice spoke up. My foot stopped tapping against the wooden floor just like that. I lifted my gaze up and met Mexico's eyes. "He's fine" He rolled his eyes.

He doesn't know shit

"You're probably right" I sighed, burying my face into my hands.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey lighten up Ame, let's have some fun just like old times" I lifted my face, and found the Mexican standing close. He then sat down next to me on the couch, and turned on the television.

Fun..... Like old times.....

"Yea..." I faked a smile. The sound of the television playing some random reality show caught my attention, but not for long. Mexico seemed quite caught up with it.

Why invite me over for something you could do alone?

A bird passing the window caught my attention. It sat down at its nest and fed its children. I smiled softly at the sight.

Behind the nest were the path me and Mexico took from school to here. It was almost empty besides from the few cars or bicycles passing now and then. Maybe a country walking their dog, but empty otherwise.

I was cut out of my trance as a howl of laughter filled the room. My eyes trailed directly towards the Mexican with a confused gaze. "Dude! She's so fucking stupid!" Mexico laughed, pointing at some country in the television who got a question wrong. "Yea.. Stupid heh.." I let out a quick exhale.

Mexico's eyes didn't move away from the television one bit. I sighed. "I'm going to the bathroom" I dismissed myself, making my way out of the living room and headed towards the bathroom.

I gazed out of the windows and looked at the pretty white clouds. It reminded me of Russia's fluffy hair. I've only got to touch it once, it was at PE. We had to practice self defence and I got paired up with him for the first time, which made me quite frankly happy.

I still have the shirt he wore that day in my trophy closet, except it ain't filled with any trophies. Unless you can count precious values to me as trophies.

My eyes trailed onto to pavement, watching some country walking their white and grey husky.

My eyes widened already knowing who it was. It was Russia. He could tell his jacket apart from anyone's, even those who has the same jacket. Russia's had a cigarette burnt at the fabric of the sleeve.

How could I see it from this distance? I couldn't, I just knew it from his height, the way he's walking, his hat, shoes, and at last but not least, his dog. (And his face)

I quickly went to the opposite direction of the house, heading towards the exit. "I'm not feeling well! Bye!" "Wait-!" I shut the front door behind me, cutting him off as I headed out. I didn't care that I had forgotten my jacket, could just buy a new one.

I can't buy another chance of meeting him here of all places though.

This is something unusual, something brand new.

Something I want to experience.

I noticed the taller country headed further down the path, which lead to the well known forest.

I made sure to be out of the Russians view, as I kept my eyes on his every movement.

He raised his hand and drew it through his hair.


I held my breath as he stopped up. Why'd he stop up?

My heart skipped a beat as he looked towards me. I quickly hid behind some country's fence, laying on their lawn.

I peeked through the gaps, noticed his eyes remained towards my direction.

He can sense I'm here. No one other, but me.

I got up onto my feet again once he had continued his walk. I picked up my pace once he had neared the forest, making sure he wouldn't be able to see me.

I'd have a better view of him in the forest, since it isn't near as open. So I could hide better without getting spotted.

I leaned up close against a birch tree, not the biggest one, ah well. I noticed he stopped up again. He didn't look towards me though, what a shame.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and pulled a single one out, before putting the pack back in his pocket, switching it out with a lighter.

He carefully lit up his cigarette, then placed it in-between his lips, taking in a big drag from it and blowing out a smoke cloud which slowly faded away into the thin air.

Smoking. Something he only did when he was alone, because he promised his friends he'd stop.

I smiled as I could smell the smoke coming from the other. If I just could feel him as well...

I crept a bit closer once he started walking again, further into the forest.

If this is what Mexico meant with having fun, I shouldn't have doubted him. I haven't so much fun since I last saw the Russian.

The Russian looked so handsome underneath the yellow and orange leaves hanging from the trees. The small beams of sun shining through the leaves highlighted his face features better than I could've imagined.

I picked up my pace to get a even closer up look of the country.

If I came up a few metres closer, I might be able to hear him breathe.

The smile on my lips grew along with my pace. The closer I got to him, the happier I felt.

Love truly is beautiful.

Thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry for not doing anything in a while. I've been busy with some South Park stuff<3

Hope you enjoyed. I'm planning on a third part.

Hope you have a great day/night/whatever time it is^^

— Sincerely Dew
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