Cravings [...?...] Part 1

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[] Russias POV []

I stood still, feeling everybody's eyes on me. I tried to push the nagging feeling off, and continued my way down to my locker.

The closer I got to the locker, the more crowded it got. What bugged me was everyone whispering, clearly mentioning my name now and then, as if they think I haven't noticed.

I shoved my stuff into my locker, and gritted my teeth's, not being able to bare this feeling anymore.

I slammed my locker shut, while turning around turning my head 180° to get a look at all the students around me. "What the fuck are y'all whispering about me?" I spat.

Everyone froze, or took a step back surprised. Probably due to the sudden outburst, or due to me slamming my metal locker.

"Don't act all quiet now. Don't think I can't tell something's up" I crossed my arms, frowning.

I glanced Peru "You. What's all this about?" I faced the smaller, giving a pointy glare.
"I...I'm sorry, but that's not for me to say. It isn't any of my business" He explained.

"Really...? Is that so..?" I asked, getting a nod as a reply. "Then how come everybody whispers as if it were their business?"

Before anybody could answer(if they even would), the bell rung.

Within the blink of an eye, the hallway could be seen as empty as ever.

"Fuckers" I mumbled, glaring at the floor.
Welp, at least I can go home now

"Russia..?" I heard a well known voice speak up. It was my best friend's voice.

All my anger subsided as I got greeted with the welcoming aura of America.

I've always been told I'm good at hiding my emotions, and look cold on the outside. Somehow, America could tell how I felt. He didn't call me a weirdo or stone face. He actually took time to get to know me unlike my old friends. Maybe that's why he always makes me so happy.

Sure, I do have other friends, but they are nothing compared to America. America isn't scared of me, or take back his words if they doesn't go the way I wanted it like the others do, out of fear I'd assume.

"Oh, hey America. Good to see you today" I smiled at him as if I was on auto pilot. I mean, who can't smile when being greeted with that gorgeous face?

"I'm sorry for all for all of the troubles I've costed you today" He pulled me into a soft yet so warm hug.

Somehow America was always warm. His hugs could melt all the cold away in the coldest of nights.

"What do you mean? You haven't done anything" I reassured, caressing his cheek.

"I may have, but you just don't know of it yet" He pulled back from the hug, rubbing his shoulder.

"Which is..?" I raised a brow, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Promise me we'll still be friends after this" He fumbled nervously with his fingers.

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