Take me to Curch [Harsh Angst]

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[] Americas POV []

Here I was, in my baggy and worn out clothes.. Not to mention dirty.. standing in line to be forgiven. Forgiven for what exactly you may ask? Well, I've done a sin..

I've waited 2 hours thus far, I don't think my fragile legs can handle it much more.

If I just could sit down, just for a moment..! But no, I know better. It's better to deal with the pain, and then receive blessings from god. I would do anything to go to heaven when I compost, or die, whichever you prefer.

"United Colonies, please step forward" A demanding voice spoke up. I glanced at him, he's the guard.

I gulped to myself, before drawing a cross with my hand over my chest. I took a step forward, and gave a shy nod.

The guard dragged me along inside. "Clean your hands over there"

I glanced to my side, and saw a silver bowl filled with water. I went over and dipped my hands into it a few times. "Come along now" The guard continued, sounding impatient.

I noticed a maiden passing by, I know her name. Ukraine, I've heard she's daughter to the priest here.

"Last warning, come along now" I nodded and did as told.

Once we reached the center of the church, a figure appeared at the end of the red with golden outlined carpet.

"Leave us be, I want privacy" "You sure? He did a very execution worth sin.." "That's for me to see, now go along.." The voice of the priest sounded younger than usual, but I dared not to face him. He was a higher power after all.

"As you wish" The guard bowed before leaving the room, closing the gates once he left.

"Now, what's your name" He asked. I faced the ground. "U-United Colonies..." I stuttered. "You don't say... I want you to face me as we speak" He demanded. I hesitatingly faced him.

My eyes lit up, he was not the same priest as the one I knew before. "M..may I ask you something..?" I was already going to hell, why not get the best out of it.

He narrowed his eyes at me "And what may be so important to ask, that makes you think you can just ask me..?" "I..I'm just curious-" "About what?" "You.." I struggled to keep eye contact, it felt like he was staring right through my soul, as if he could read all of the sins I've done.

"I see. I'm the youth pastor, Youth Pastor Russia. I've replaced my father since I was found only worthy of this position. I may warn you, we do not like people asking about personal business to the higher powers" "I-I apology through the bottom of my heart" I bowed.

"So.. Care to tell my your sins" My eyes widened slightly as he started to approach me.

My heartbeat started to go up, I don't know if it's out of fear or not, but I found him strongly intimidating.

"I-I kissed..." "You kissed what?" "I kissed a g...guy..."

"Come along" He walked passed me, and motioned me to follow him, so I did.

I felt like a dog.. obeying every word.. Except I'm scared if it even would make a difference.

He stopped up, and grabbed a knife resting on a fluffy and rich red coloured fabric. "You know, that is one of the worst sins you could've done.."

I felt a lump stuck in my throat as I watched him sharpening the knife.

"But.. I do feel bad for what I'm about to do, so I'll try to make it as painless as possible.." He faced me, with the knife resting in the both of his palms.

"After all.." He placed one of his hands on my shoulder, and forced my weak legs to buckle down under his might.

He kneeled down in front of me, and stared right through my eyes. I felt hot tears rolling down my chin. His gaze softened.

He leaned forward, and I felt his lips against mine. It felt cold, but as if some of his feelings were trapped. I kissed back, not really caring anymore, his lips were soft and delicate, but his aura was just cold.

When I pulled away, I felt a string of pain through my chest. "May you rest well wherever you end.." I watched him get up, and giving me a sympathetic look.

I felt as if my whole nerve system was shutting down. I went to clutch my chest, but when I pulled away.. all I saw was a blood covered hand.

My vision became blurry as I saw the silhouette of Russia turning around..

That's when everything went black. Soon, all pain went away, as if it never happened. I opened my eyes, and saw a white light.

I reached out for it, and felt myself merge into it. I finally felt at peace...

This was something else...

This fanfic was inspired by the song 'Take Me To Church - Hozier' It's really good, and I recommend you to give it a listen if you haven't heard it already :)

Hope you enjoyed it, I found this fun to write. Not in a sadistic way ofc, just to put it back in time ish :)

-Sincerely Dew
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