Hide and Seek [Fluff?]

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[] Americas POV []

I pointed towards Poland. "Why would you pick him?! He's the best at this shit" Canada asked. "Exactly! I want it to be intense, and to make it even wilder, we'll do pairs" I smirked. "What..?" Germany faced me. I raised a brow. "That must be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Why change hide and seek so much?" He asked. "I dunno, I just thought we should step the game up since we aren't children anymore" I explained. "Whatever"

"Good, so does anybody have anything else to say..?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Yes... What will the pairings be..?" Russia asked. "I'm glad you asked. Russia, you're with Germany... and erm.. Canada, you're with me..." I scratched my chin softly, glancing at the others. "Mexico, you're with Philippines... hmm Sweden you're going to sit this one out, or else it won't add up" "Why me?" "Because none of your nordic buddies are here to match you up, m'kay?" "Who said I had to pair up with them?" "The fan base"

"Japan... You could go with... oh wait, there's only one left, my bad ahah. Japan, you can go with Sweden if he's still up for it" "I am, and when we win, I'll make the game against you" "Sure sure, keep talking" I smiled.

I love teasing my friends.

"Do I have to find the whole group or...?" Poland asked. "Glad you asked. For an example, me and Canada doesn't have to hide the same place, but if I'm found, I won't be out till he's found" I explain. "So if he's the last one left, I win as well" I explained. "Okay..."

"You can begin counting now" I ruffled his messy hair. "Yeah yeah, just get going"

I waved at Canada, before I mad a strike down the streets. We had to be within a certain area lined up. Or actually, just within this park. It's not small, but it isn't very big either.

It's perfect.

"Okay, we're at the street!" I yelled towards Poland "You can begin counting once you face the building behind you!" I yelled, and turned around as soon as he did.

I ran into the park, along with the others.

I saw the play ground, but I knew that would be one of the first places to check. I noticed just the edge of the park, it had a small forest. It will still count at the park, as long as I don't go past the opening, right?

I smirked as I made a run for it. I don't know if Poland is already searching, I lost track of time. I turned around and squinted my eyes, and I noticed Poland checking out the playground.

Called it

I saw him look in this direction, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I jumped down onto the ground, behind a small lump in the field with a bush in front.

"Hey, get outta my face" I looked down from where the voice came from, and I should've known who it was due to that thick accent.

I looked at the tall country I accidentally had pinned down. "What the fuck are you doing here-?!" I whisper shouted. "No, what the fuck are you doing here, you took my fucking hiding spot!" He hissed.

I covered his mouth, as I noticed Poland walk by in the distance.

Russia gripped onto my hand and pulled it off. "Get off of me!" "Shut the fuck up will you?! Or you'll get us both busted!" I whispered in a pissed tone. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!"

"Make me" He glared at me. "I beg your Pardon?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "I said, make me. I dare you, American boy" He smirked at me. "Oh you son of a- don't play these games with me-" I noticed Poland coming towards us.

"Tick tack" I covered his mouth again, but ended up him flipping our positions.

He was currently hovering above me, my arms pinned to each side of my head. "Russia, you'll get us both busted" "Am I?" "Yes" "How?" He raised his voice slightly. "God just shut up!" I could hear Polands footsteps by now.

He leaned down, his chin brushing my cheek, as he whispered to me "I've told you.. Make me" I glared at him, he simply just smirked.

'Who does he think he is?!'

"Or I'll just raise my voice and get the both of us b-" I cut him off by leaning upwards to kiss him.

I felt him kiss back.

Y'know what? Maybe I don't mind sharing my hiding spot with him...

"No way..." I pulled away, and craned my neck to see Poland staring at us with a shocked expression. "Wait till everyone hears this!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

I pushed Russia off, and got up. "Poland wait!" But he had already went off.

"Got what ya deserved" I glanced at Russia. "This is your fucking fault! Now I've lost!" "Geez, it's just a game" "For me it's more okay?" "You've still got Canada, calm the fuck down"

He was right, but he's still an idiot. "I guess you're right.." I muttered the last part, not fan of the idea of giving him the satisfaction of anything.

"Why'd you make me do that?!" I huffed. "What do ya mean, you're the one who kissed me" He lazily smirked, leaning against a tree.

"I-" "You...?" His smirk only grew 'Along with his ego'

"Fuck you" I flipped him off. "Do it yourself coward" "Oh please..

I do have some standards" I smirked at him. "We'll see about that" He turned around and went into the forest.

What a strange guy, yet I can't blame him.

After all, I did enjoy it..

Thanks for reading this oneshot, I do have a big one I'm working on. It just might not be for everyones taste.

I've been busy watching South Park and playing the games, I'm sorry.

Also, Hope y'all have a great whatever time it is :)

-Sincerely Dew

Vote goal: 17/42

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