Text To Speech [Fluff]

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Before reading, I'd like you to know a few things. There may be many errors! Which is a bit on purpose. Since this will be written by text to speech as well! So... All I will do is add symbols, or if it misunderstood some words. I will however not do anything other than that. This was very interesting for me, I hope you'll enjoy :)


Hello my name is America, and you may be wondering what am I doing? well I'm actually over at my friends house right now. we're currently sitting on the couch. it's actually really fun. why you may ask? Well we are experimenting with something, and what may we be experimenting with you may ask? Well me and my best friend, and brother named Canada (no offence Mexico) were currently on my phone! Well you may think this is just something regular, nothing out of the ordinary. Well I can inform you, that it's quite the opposite. Canada has helped me with confessing to my crush recently and it hasn't been easy, but it's still worth a shot. Right now I'm out in his living room. He moved away from home last year. I still visit him now and then, since he is my brother after all.

"Dude you gotta do something soon or your shot might be gone" I rolled my eyes at my brother. Sometimes he just doesn't get how hard can be, since literally everybody drools over him, so he wouldn't know what it's like.

"Listen I said you could help, I didn't say you could control my whole life"
I smirked. He just shook his head in response.

"Alrighty then. If you wanna call him then, at least practice a confession. That way you'll be way more prepared when it actually happens" Canada stated I raise my hand "If it happens you mean"

"yeah yeah whatever just get going already"
"Chill!" I huffed, a smile still placed on my lips.

Okay before I begin promise not to laugh. Canada let out a small snort. I gave him a serious look "I mean it, no laughing or else I'm not doing this"

Taking a deep breath before separating my lips. "Hello Russia, it's me America. we've been friends for about five years now, and I know this is all very sudden, but I've had feelings for you recently. I hope that you may be able to return them, if not, I totally respect that, but I just thought I'd let you know"

I stare down at my love before returning my gates open at my brother "So what do you think?" I asked him.

He had a smirk on his face. "What?"

I noticed he held my phone, and it were in Russia's contacts. I also noticed a small message written, with every word I just said. I glared at Canada "don't you dare"

"Do you wanna bet?" with all his said before he sent the message.

Just like that I knew, I just had lost a friendship with the Russian boy.

I couldn't believe him I trusted him with this, and then he just does shit like this? I thought he was supposed to be there for me, not ruin my social life.


"Dude how could you I trusted you with this" "Oh come on, don't be a baby" I couldn't believe him or his words, but they were as true as the Earth is round.

"I hate you" I stated "Take that back" "why should I?" "Because your crush responded" "He did?" "Yeah, he did while you were busy hating on me"

I pushed him aside, grabbing my phone and read his answer, even though I was scared to read it.


"It says 'same'.." I breathed out of shock, as I smiled widely. "Told ya-" "Shut up"

Thanks for reading this short and ordinary oneshot. It will probably be the only one of its kind, since I had to edit quite a lot. Sorry, but I also edited the words out that it heard wrong :(

Have it good!<3

—Sincerely Dew
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