Soulmate [Fluff]

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Every year, exactly at the first of December at the age of eighteen, the first sentence your soulmate will say after midnight will be written onto your arm till you've found them.

It is a rare occurrence that some may never find their soulmate, if so happens, their tattoo will disappear and they will be left out from the society the world is built upon to this day.

The lost souls will be living the daily lives, except nobody will dare lay an eye on them.
The rumours say, if you do not get any tattoo, you are cursed, and therefore left to be an outcast.

Those who do find their soulmate, the words they first say to one another will overwrite the past sentence.

Your destiny is after all merely written in stone.

If no destiny is given to you, then you would not be worth sharing the same air with.


America nervously sat on his bed, looking at the clock that hung neatly on his wall, glowing a bright purple neon colour.

His room was all white except the back wall painted black. His whole room outlined in LED-lights, that shone in cotton candy colours which gave off the vapor-wave vibe.

"C'mon dude, it'll be fine!" Mexico reassured the other, patting his shoulder.

America turned his head to look at his best friend sitting beside him, with a comforting smile rested upon his soft lips.

"I know, but what if I don't get any tattoo?" America frowned, folding his hands firmly in his lap.

In just an hour, it would be midnight. In just an hour, it would be the first of December.

"The chance is so small that it's barely a percentage" Mexico mused, as he leaned back and rested against the cushions.

"Who do you think it will be..?" America asked Mexico, wanting to distract his mind from the possibility of disclosure.

Mexico went silent.

He let out a sigh, craning his neck to look at the taller. "Honestly, I have no idea. It would most likely to be someone I've never met" Mexico shrugged, fiddling with bandana.

America went silent for a bit, before daring to ask "Who do you hope it would be, if you could decide all by your own free will" America asked, pressing his fingers against his palms as they leaned against his lap to keep him steady.

Mexico's eyes went from Americas and over to the glass window, with a sliding door leading out to the balcony which stood open, causing the black half transparent silky curtains to wave ever so slightly in the breeze that passed through.

The sight was beautiful. Stars on the purple night sky, as the sound of the beach's waves could be heard. Sure, it was harder to hear during winter time due to the closest bits of the ocean being ice, but it was still visible.

"We should probably close the door soon, it might snow tonight" Mexico muttered, staring at the sparkly wooden floor of the balcony. The moonlight shone onto the small frost bits, causing it to look like glitter. The whole sight was breath taking.

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