The favour [Spice]

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[] Americas POV []

I closed my locker, before gently hitting my head against it causing Mexico to look my way. "The fuck is up with you today?" He asked, his voice tinted with confusion.

"China broke up with me two days ago, and now he acts like as if he doesn't even miss me" I turned around, letting my back lean against my locker whilst I stood crossing my arms.

"You do know that there's a possibility that he doesn't miss you at all" Mexico stated. "Don't even Mex." I huffed.

"Well.. What are you going to do about it..?" He asked, raising his hand towards my head.
"What are you doing-" "Relax" He cut me off, his fingertips brushing my forehead.

I stared into his concentrated eyes that were adjusted onto my forehead. "Please don't hit you head against your locker like that again.." He frowned. "Sorry, I'll try and remember not to" I gave him a soft smile.

I felt his hand trail down to my chin, his thumb brushing against my cheek.

His face heated up once we made eye contact, causing him to pull away, looking down the hallway. "So um..." He started.

"I was wondering if you're busy? I mean, now that schools over... I thought you and I could maybe hang out.." He asked, his eyes longingly gazing into mine.

"I would love to, but I actually have plans.. Sorry" I rested my hand on his shoulder. "No, it's fine. We could always find some other time, yea?" He asked. I just gave him a simple nod before patting his cheek lightly.

"Welp, see you around Mex" I pushed myself off of my locker, turning towards the exit as the last thing I heard was a small "See you.." Before I was outside.

I took a look to the both of my sides, before turning left and into the old tunnel.

I checked the time, before tapping my food against the cement waiting impatiently.

I smiled as I saw a figure in the distance, finding it to be him since nobody used this tunnel ever since a new and way safer one had been made.

"America..?" He asked. "Yes" I smiled at the tall Russian that approached me.

"You know why I'm here, so let's just cut to the case" He took a last drag of his cigarette, before letting it fall to the ground. "I owed you a favour, and now that you've called me you better not waste my time" He blew a small cloud of smoke out, as he tapped the tip of his boot onto the cigarette.

"Alright calm down, geez. What I want you to do for me is quite simple" I started, resting against the walls of the tunnel. "Well..?" He asked, clearly impatient.

"I want you to help me get my ex China jealous" I stated. "Let me guess, you want me to act like your boyfriend?" He asked, shoving his big and strong hands into his pockets.

I stepped closer to him. "You gotta be convincing though. What type of couple stuff are you alright with?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He simply glared at me before getting a hold to my arms, and pushing them down against my sides. He let go of my arms as he spoke up "Anything honestly. The real question is 'What can you handle?'" He drew his hair away from his eye.

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