Only you [Stalker] Part 1

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[] Americas POV []

I've been watching Russia, for how long? That's not the point.

My great friend Mexico, or as I'd like to call him, Mex. Mex have said, I don't even know how many times, let's just say a lot! That 'You should take a break from your huge crush, it's beginning to get to your head' or 'I'm serious, it's beginning to look unhealthy to you'

Who does he think he is? My mom?? Can't be, my mom is dead, how? Let's say it was a car accident.

And to distract myself from my mess of a life, I watch Russia from the distance.

Mexico even calls me stalker now and then, good one, funny joke. I may watch him every moment possible, and peek at him in the changing rooms. I may also have tricked the principal into giving me the same classes as him. Also that I listen to his conversations. But that doesn't make me a stalker, right? It's just a tiny crush, I mean.. How bad can it be?

Class was about to end, but I always write notes down before exiting. I mean, I do have time to do it now that I know Russias routine by heart.

What am I writing notes for? Not class, that's for sure.

In fact, it's my third notebook filled with small facts and things about Russia, I've also doodled him a few times or snatched some pictures.

I was dragged out of my own world by Mexico.
"Whatcha doing..?" He asked, glancing at my notebook. I quickly slammed it shut, smiling brightly at Mex. "Not sus at all, now spit it out" Mexico crossed his arms, giving me a unamused expression as if he knew what was about to come.

"Just taking notes" He replied bluntly, shrugging. "Wait, really..?" He asked, seemed shocked. "Yeah, I mean.. I always take notes of interesting subjects" "Didn't know you found math interesting" He leaned against the wall. "I don't" I smiled to myself, putting the notebook down in my backpack.

"You... don't..?" "Nope!" "Wait- Don't tell me that- That you took notes of Russia..." He pinched his nose bridge. "I'm not telling, you guessed it" I smiled as I got up, and dragged my backpack over my shoulders.

"Don't you think you wanna do something else instead..?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Like what? What could possibly be more entertaining..?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Well, maybe we could hang out like old times. You just never have time to be with me anymore" He crossed his arms.

"Look. It's not my fault that Russia needs somebody to follow him home" I stated. "You're the only one of the two of you that knows you're even following him home" Mexico huffed. "So?" "Sorry- But can't you hear how insane you sound..?" He asked.

"I sound as sane as anybody else on this damned place. We all are fucked up about something in our lives, mine is just my little crush" I took a step backwards. "Little..?" He chuckled with a tint of disappointment as he stepped up next to me, and we both headed out from the classroom.

"Shoot" I facepalmed. "What..?" He asked. "I missed Russia walking home. I still might be able to make it if I man up" I rolled my sleeves up, and stared at the doors.

Before I could head out, Mexico had grabbed my wrist. "America..." "Please, or else I might fully miss it" "America" "I know I know, I'm sorry, but what if something interesting happens and I'll miss it" I scratched my arm nervously.

"Dude... You've been missing out all year due to that zombie" "Ay! Don't call him a Zombie!" I defended him. "Why? He might as well be one. How haven't he noticed you yet? Is he braindead?" "I can confirm you that he is not.." "Of course you're the one to know that, what a surprise.." He rolled his eyes sarcastically.

He pulled me back, and then let go. "You're coming with me home, and we are going to play some Call Of Duty, and you're going to like it. Understood..?" "I..-" "Ahem, Understood soldier?" He nudged my shoulder with his elbow. "Understood.." I sighed. "That's the spirit!" He smiled at me

Oh boy.. This is going to be a long day... I need to think of a plan.. And quick..

Thanks for reading this^^
I don't really know what to say, except I'm tired. I just got some(not a lot) of motivation back as I watched a few Creek videos I've already watched before.

Anyways. Hope you enjoyed, and that you might wanna read the second part once it's up (or if it is up by the time you read this)

-Sincerely Dew

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