Blindfolded [Spice]

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[] Third POV []

"Hmm.. Is it a scarf...?" America asked, feeling something brush his shoulder. "Nope~" Russia pressed a kiss against his cheek.

"I give up, what was it..?" America chuckled. "It was a glove~" Russia smirked at the sight of his boyfriend barely getting any guesses right.

"Can I take the blindfold off now..?" He asked. "Not yet, I have an idea" Russia smirked as he carefully pulled the smaller out of the chair.

"W-Where are we going" America stumbled, not being able to see. Russia managed to catch him in his arms "Calm down. We're just heading to the couch, alright..?" He pressed another kiss against his chin.

America took in a deep breath "Alright"

Russia lead him over to the couch, watching America carefully sit down on the couch before joining in.

"Can I take it off now..?" "Not yet~" Russias hands wrapped around the smallers hips, before pulling him onto his lap causing the smaller to gasp out of the sudden movements.

"So.. What are you planning on..?" America asked, his hands finding its way up to Russias shoulders getting a firm grip there.

"You'll see" Was all America heard, before he felt two strong hands underneath his shirt touching his bare skin.

America bit his bottom lip as they traced out his features, and rubbing circles.

"Mmh.." Americas stomach felt like a swarm of butterflies emerged from the inside, making his blood flush up to his cheeks.

"You like that, don't you..?" Russia asked, gently nipping onto Americas jawline.

"I-I..." He stuttered, trying to keep any embarrassing sounds down.

Russia drew a line with his tongue on the surface of his lovers neck to his collarbone, making the smaller groan out "I-I love it~"

"Thought so" He smirked against his skin, nipping it softly.

He received small whimpers from the smaller after reaching a certain spot "Found it~"

"Found Wha-Ah~" America cut himself off with a small moan as Russia sucked on the spot.

"M-mmh~ Russia~" He exhale and tugged in Russias hair, making Russia let out a groan against his skin, causing a shiver run down his spine.

Russia savoured the sound his lover let out, and treasured it.

Russia barely pulled away but just let his lips trace across Americas skin, before his lips collided with his.

Their tongues dancing against each others fighting for dominance, while his hands continued to play around on the smallers body.

"M-mmh~ T-Too much~" America patted gently on Russias shoulder, making him pull away. "Mmh, thanks~" He snuggled up to his boyfriend, with a pleasant smile. "Anytime, really" He tugged some lose hair away from Americas eyes.

"Maybe one day I'll be ready, and whenever that is... I will saviour every single bit of it" He placed a kiss against Russias chin. "Meanwhile, I'll wait" Russia smiled softly at his lover.

His eyes trailed onto his neck, which had a few purple marks, and bruises.

Russia smirked at the view, and saved a few internal photos.

Yes, this is short, hope you enjoyed anyway.

This was just practice, so hope ya didn't actually expect it to be good ;)

— Sincerely Dew
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