Freya Sigurddottir

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I do not know how age works in Asgard, so I will just be using the normal ages. You'll know what I mean when you read on.

 You'll know what I mean when you read on

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Freyja's POV

I roamed around the walls of Asgard, whilst searching for my brother. He was much older than me and often went to battle with my father, Odin's greatest warrior Sigurd Bjornson, sometimes they were gone for days and I was left with my thoughts. My mother died during childbirth, so I only had my brother and father. I dreamed of travelling through the nine realms and flying through the Bifrost, but I was still young and my father wanted me to become a lady and hopefully marry Odin's son Thor.
We would occasionally travel to the palace for 'special buisiness' as father called it and I would catch a glimpse of the Princes, but Thor seemed far to enthrawled by Lady Sif.

I was cut from my thoughts as I crashed into the back of someone. I looked up to see who it was and was greeted by a familiar face. "Styrbjorn I found you!" I squealed happily as he smiled down at me. "Indeed you did little Freyja, and just in time too. Father stopped me and said we need to meet him at the palace gates. I think we're going to battle again." My older brother informed. Looking down at me, he noticed my solemn appearance. "Aww, don't be disheartened dear sister. We'll be back, we always come back. Besides, we would never miss your 10th birthday would we? Hey, if we are going to the palace, you don't want young Thor seeing your distraught face huh? He'll never want to marry you with that frown!" He teased. "Come on, I'll race you!" He grinned.
We ran all the way to the palace and saw a concerned looking Father. My brother and I composed ourselves before approaching him. "Father, you sent for us." Styrbjorn announced and our Father just nodded sincerely. "Follow Me." He instructed. I smoothed down my skirt and quickly fixed my hair, as we walked up the stairs.

Upon arrival, Odin seemed to have gathered his army. "My people, a great threat is coming and I need as many of my warriors as possible. We'll need to be gone by the morning, so prepare yourselves. For we march to Jotunheim." Odin announed. Again, my face fell. They were leaving again. So much for not missing my birthday.


Later that night, I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly, there was a soft knock on my door, I flipped over to my side and pulled the cover over my eyes and pretended to be asleep. A few seconds passed and my door squeaked quietly. I felt a presence beside me and a chuckle soon after. "You really think you can trick me?" The gruff voice of my father said. I shuffled round to see him and saw his worn face looking at me with a smirk. I sat up and looked at him with sad eyes. "Do you have to go?" I asked hesitantly. The smirk on his face melted away and was replaced by a sympathetic expression. "Unfortunatley we do my dear. But it is okay, we'll be back before you know it. Trust me." He said. I nodded and smiled softly at him. "Ah!" My father gasped. "I almost forgot. I have something for you." My father grinned. "Think of it as a birthday present." He started, pulling out a small box. But I held my hand out to stop him. "No, Father. I want you to take it with you. That way you'll have to come back to give it to me." I told him. "Ah my dear Freyja. You always were smart, just like your mother." My father smiled proudly. "I'm so proud of you my daughter. Your mother would be too. We all are." He added. I smiled sadly and cleared my throat. "Can you sing the song father? The one you always sing?" I asked. "Of course, it was always your mothers favourite verse when she was pregnant with you." He smiled sadly. "Ready?" He asked. "I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vander alene. Over isbreen tar yeg meg frem. I eplehagen star moyen den vene og syner: 'nar kommer du hjem?" My father sung. But when he had finished I was fast asleep.


Days passed and they still weren't back from Jotunheim. I had asked around but noone had heard anything.
I walked silently through the streets until I noticed a soldier approaching me. "Are you Freyja Sigurddottir?" He asked me, and I nodded cautiously. "I've been sent to escort you to the palace. Odin wants to see you personally." The soldier told me. I followed him to the hall and noticed Odin, Frigga, Thor and Loki standing at the other side. When we got to the throne, the soldier and I parted ways. "Freyja Sigurddottir?" Odin questioned, and again I responded with a cautious nod. "We are sorry to inform you, but your father and brother were killed in battle. He asked me to give this to you when we got back." Odin explained, but I froze. I slowly glanced up and noticed the small box in the Allfather's hand. It was the same one my father had tried to give me before he left. Tears slowly fell down my cheeks and my heart shattered into a million pieces as the realisation hit me. I had no family. I hesitantly held out my hand and took the box. The Allfather cleared his throat and got my attention. "Freyja, as your father was such a loyal man and one of my best soldiers, I have decided to take you in as you cannot live out in the streets on your own. You will live here in the palace and will from now on, be classed as family. It's my way of repaying your father and brother for their service. Frigga will show you to your room and ensure you are okay." He instructed. As Frigga and I walked away, I noticed the princes looking at me sympathetically.

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