Chapter Fourteen

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The Variant turned and was about to leave. "Where're you going?" I asked. "There's power somewhere on this moon. We just need enough to travel through inter - dimensional time and space." She explained.
"So, what's the plan?" Loki asked as we basically ran to keep up with her. "There's a town near here. And can you shut up?
Just because I have to work with you doesn't mean I wanna hear your voice." She retorted. "All right, well... Slow down, Variant." Loki said and we caught up. "What part of imminent death confuses you? And don't call me Variant." She asked. "I'm sorry, but I'm not calling some faded photocopy of me Loki." Loki explained. "Good. 'Cause that's not who I am anymore. I'm Sylvie now." She said.
"You changed your name. Brilliant." I muttered. "It's called an alias." Sylvie scoffed. "It's not very Loki-like." Loki told her. "Yeah? What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?" She asked. "Independence, authority, style." Loki answered. "So, naturally you went to work for the boring, oppressive time police." Sylvie said. "We don't work for them. We're consultants." I defended. "I suppose I had better ask your name aswell then." Sylvie said. "Freyja Sigurddottir." I told her. "Well Freyja Sigurddottir, you don't know what you want." Sylvie spat. "Oh, yeah? What about you? Your years in the making plan was to tear the place down, create the ultimate power vacuum, and then just walk away. I'd never have done that." Loki said. "Yeah? Well, I'm not you. Can we get on with this now?" She asked, walking further away.

We reached the town and it was derelict. "It looks like everyone already fled." I said to the pair. "If they did, it was in vain." Sylvie almost spat. "How long do we have?" Loki asked. "Twelve hours or so. Things down here are only gonna get worse. More meteors, gravity quakes, and of course, the collapse of society in the face of annihilation." She replied. We approached a small bunker type thing that looked like it had power. "Could that charge the TemPad?" Loki aksed, pointing to it. "Maybe." Sylvie said excitedly, as she rushed up the ramp. She fiddled around next to the window, then turned back to us. "I'm just checking the coupling. Making sure it can connect." She explained. After a few seconds of waiting, she turned back around. "Okay. Hand it over." She instructed. "Pitiful. I'm not giving it to you. You're gonna have to try harder." Loki chuckled. "Then don't give me your "tech savvy" ideas either. The TemPad requires a massive power source, not a night light." Sylvie huffed.
We set off again, and came across another small home. The three of us approached it, but only Sylvie weilded a weapon. "Brute force is no substitute for diplomacy and guile." Loki warned. "Noted." Sylvie muttered. She kicked the door in and smiled, but that smile was immediatley wiped away as she hurtled backwards. It's remarkable that you ever made it as far as you did." Loki quipped. "Sorry about that." Loki said hesitantly. "Don't be. I enjoyed it." The culprit muttered. "Oh...I did too. But I can assure you, despite my acquaintance behaving like an animal, we mean you no harm. We're simply weary travelers." He lied. "Sure you are." She scoffed. Loki sighed and I noticed a picture through the window. I nudged Loki and pointed to it. He took a breath before morphing into the man in the photo. He moved to the doorway and spoke as the man. "Hello, dear." He said to her. "Patrice?" She asked. Loki began sobbing. "It... It's been a long time. You're as beautiful as..." He was cut off by the same blast Sylvie endured. "Patrice never said a thing that nice in 30 years. You're no travelers, you're devils." She said, not noticing me yet. "What do you devils want with me?" She asked desperatley. "We just wanna ask you a question." I said, holding my hands up in surrender. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "The ark." She answered. "Elaborate." I instructed. "The evacuation vessel." She explained. "Something like that would have enough juice to repower the TemPad." I heard Sylvie tell Loki. "How do we get there?" Loki then asked. "Train station's the edge of town. But you'll never get a ticket." She said ominously. "Come on, let's go." I said, joining back up with Loki and Sylvie.

In front of us was a rather long line of rowdy people. "Well, this looks fun." Loki muttered sarcastically. "Come on." Sylvie instructed. "We can't fight our way onto that train." Loki warned."Who said anything about fighting?" Sylvie asked and I rolled my eyes. "All your plans involve fighting." I clarified. "Not this one. I'm going to enchant a guard, have him lead us through the crowd, and if anyone gives us any trouble..." She trailed off. "Make him start shooting? And then what, kill every guard and hijack the train?" Loki remarked. "Whether or not there's a fight is entirely up to them." Sylvie commented. "We're doing this one my way." Loki grinned, changing his outfit to match the guards. "How do I look?" He asked happily. "Like someone with a shit plan." Sylvie scoffed. "It's a great plan." Loki said defensively. "Hmm." I hummed with a chuckle. "Just follow my lead." Loki said, pushing the pair of us forward. The crowd hollered and yelled from the line. The couple in front of us got asked for their tickets, then were led in. Loki attempted to rush past when the guard wasn't looking, but he caught us. "Whoa! Hey!" He cried. "Taking these ones to Shuroo." Loki said, lowering his voice in attempt to sound authorative. "Okay. And the tickets?" He questioned. "Orders come from the top to get her on this train." I held back a snicker, as he tried to convince the young guard.
"Sir, this..." Sylvie quickly enchanted him so he wouldn't blow our cover. Another guard noticed the situation and moved over. "Everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just remembered that headquarters radioed in their request for them this morning." The enchanted guard said. "Okay." The other guard confirmed, as we boarded the train. 

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