Chapter Two

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I quickly changed into something more comfortable for battle and we jumped onto our horses, and rode across the Rainbow Bridge.

I quickly changed into something more comfortable for battle and we jumped onto our horses, and rode across the Rainbow Bridge

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When we got there, Loki stopped Thor. "You leave this to me." He grinned. "Good Heimdall." He started, but was cut off. "You're not dressed warmly enough." Heimdall commented. "I'm sorry?" Loki questioned. "Do you think you can decieve me? Freyja, I'm disappointed." He said. "You must be mistaken." Loki said. "Enough!" Thor cried, interupting the pair. "Heimdall, may we pass?" I asked. "Never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know how that happened." He sneered. "Then tell no one where we have gone until we've returned. Understand?" Thor instructed, walking away. Sif and the others followed after him, whilst I waited for Loki. "What happened? Silver tongue turn to lead?" Volstagg quipped to a silent Loki, earning a laugh from the rest of friends. I shot them a look, and they instantly fell quiet.
We continued ahead, but was stopped my Heimdall. "Be warned." He called. "If you're return threatens the safety of Asgard, the Bifrost will remain closed to you and you'll be left to die in the cold waste of Jotunheim." He informed. "Couldn't you just leave the bridge open for us?" Volstagg asked snarkily. "To leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the Bifrost and destroy Jotunheim with us upon it. I have no plans to die today." I replied, getting a shocked look from the bearded man, but an admirable one from the raven haired prince.


"We shouldn't be here." Hogun muttered. "Let's move." Thor instructed, and we pressed forward. "Where are they?" Sif questioned. "Hiding, as all cowards do." Thor scoffed. Suddenly a cold voice boomed from the shadows. "You've come a long way to die Asgardians." It sneered. "I am Thor Odinson!" He yelled. "We know who you are." It grumbled. "How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor asked. The Frost Giant, who I assumed was Laufey, exhaled slowly. "The house of Odin is full of traitors!" He cried. "Do not dishonour my father's name with your lies!" Thor yelled hysterically. "Your father is a murderer and a thief!" Laufey scolded. "He's no better than you then. You're being a hypocrite and a coward!" I told the Frost Giant. "Don't speak ill of me Sigurddottir, your father was the same. A murderer and a thief like the rest of them, and don't get me started on your weasel of a brother. He was the most cowardly, always hiding behind your father when faced with trouble." Laufey spat. I sent an energy blast towards a large sharp rock and it crashed to the floor missing the frost giants head by inches. "Insult my family again, and I won't fail to miss." I seethed. "Freyja, maybe you should ease off just a tad." Loki advised softly, so only I could hear. "You long for battle. You crave it. You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man." Laufey deduced, turning his attention back to Thor.
From the shadows, more Frost Giants appeared, slowly surrounding us. "Well, this 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery." Thor hissed. Loki looked around, and it seemed he was the only one with sense. "Thor, stop and think. Look around you, we're outnumbered." He reasoned. "Know you're place brother." Thor scorned. "You know not what your actions would unleash. I do. Go now, whilst I still allow it." Laufey said. "We will accept your most gracious offer." Loki spoke, on behalf of Thor, but he just stayed there. "Come on brother." Loki pressed.

Thor turned to leave, but the Frost Giant made a remark. "Run back home, little princess." He muttered. The dark haired prince and I looked at each other knowingly. "Damn." We said in unison. Thor dropped Mjolnir lower, and swung it round - sending the Giant flying. More rushed to him, and he managed to get rid of them. "Next?" He questioned cockily.
All of a sudden, we were ambushed by endless streams of Frost Giants running at us from every angle. I used my magic to deflect them and to summon my blade. I was lost in the heat of battle and didn't hear Fandrall's cry of pain, or Loki's desperate protests until it was too late.
I glanced over and saw the Bifrost plummet down, only to be greeted by an umimpressed Odin. "Father! We'll finish this together!" Thor cried happily. "Silence." Odin hissed. Laufey rose up until he was level with Odin. "Allfather. You look weary." He quipped. "Laufey, end this now." Odin instructed. "Your boy sought this out." Laufey said. "You're right. And these are the actions of a boy, treat them as such. You and I can end this here and now, before there is any bloodshed." Odin persuaded. "We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. They'll get what they came for. War and Death." Laufey threatened. "So be it." Odin said simply, before summoning the Bifrost and taking us back to Asgard.


"Why did you bring us back!?" Thor cried. "Do you realise what you've done? What you've started!!" Odin shouted. "I was protecting my home." Thor argued. "You cannot even protect your friends. How can you hope to protect a kingdom. Get him to a healing room now!" Odin ordered. "There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act. The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you!" Thor explained. I glanced to Loki and saw him tense up at the mention of the Frost Giants. I focused my mind on him and rememered all Frigga had taught me.

Loki, what's wrong?
You know you can tell me anything right?

I know Freyja, but no need to worry. I'm sure it's nothing.

You know, I can tell when you're lying. Even through telepathy.
Loki, I trust you with my life and soul. Talk to me, I know there's something not right.

I just...well. Something happened to me whilst in Jotunheim.
I discovered the truth.

What did you find out? I'm all ears.

I'll show you later. I promise.

I smiled to myself in satisfaction, but not for long. "You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" Odin yelled. "And you are an old man and a fool!" Thor yelled back. Odin looked hurt for a second, but then it hardened. "Yes. I was a fool to think you were ready." Odin said plainly. "Father..." Loki interjected, but was cut off by an animalistic growl from the Allfather.
"Thor Odinson, you have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to horror and desolation of war." Odin scolded harshly. Thor stood and reluctant tears welled in his eyes. "You are unworthy of these realms! You are unworthy of your title! You are unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed. I now take from you your power! In the name of my father and his father before, I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!" Odin cried, sending Thor through the Bifrost to an unknown realm. Odin picked up Mjolnir, and cast an enchantment on it. "Whoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

And just like that, Odin had banished his eldest son.

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