Chapter Six

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From now on, this story will contain spoilers for the Loki series.
If you haven't seen it, firstly, I reccomend that you do. Secondly, I wouldn't contine reading.


Two of the Armed Soliders dragged me away as I watched Loki and Thor's distraught faces get further away, a collar was put around my neck but I couldn't say anything because I was on the verge of death.

Once through the orange door, I felt my wound heal and my strength build back up. When I was back to full health, I got the womans attention. "Excuse me, who are you exactly and where are you taking me?" I asked. "Quiet Variant!" She scolded. I was led through a corridor and came out in a large circular room with a circular desk in the middle, we walked around the desk, then to a pair of sliding doors. "Just you wait, Thor and Loki will find me." I told her menacingly. "Oh honey, as far as they know. You're dead." She smiled. My face fell and she pushed me into the room.
A large robot stared down at me and I felt uneasy, suddenly, a laser appeared out of nowhere and stripped me of my clothes. "I beg your pardon?" I exclaimed, but it just showed a happy electronic face. The doors below opened, and dropped my naked form ro a different level. However, when I landed, I was fully clothed in beige overalls. I looked up and a man pushed forward a large stack of papers. "Please sign here to verify this is everything you've ever said." The man insructed, but I shot him a frown. "Excuse me?" I asked. The machine started whirring and I watched as another sheet of paper printed itself out. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly signed it. Then once again, I fell through the floor. This time, I landed infront of a gate, next to a rather small man. "Please confirm to your knowledge that you are not a fully robotic being, were born an organic creature, and do infact possess what many creatures would call a soul." He told me. I looked at him in disbelief. "Do alot of people not know if they're robots?" I asked curiously. "Thank you for confirming. Move through." The man directed. "Wait! What if I was a robot but I didn't know?!" I hesistated. "The machine would melt you from the inside out." The man said. My eyes widened and I stepped forward. "I'm not a robot, so I'll be fine." I told myself. I stepped in and it flashed a white light.
Soon after, it printed out a small piece of paper with colours on it. "What's that?" I asked. "Your temporal aura." The man answered. "What's that?" I asked again. "Please. through the door." The man directed. I chuckled to myself. "Finally, a normal door." I said with relief, after quickly checking the ground for doors. "Take a ticket." Another guard advised. "What?! I'm the only one in here!" I cried. "Take a ticket." He repeated. "Alright, alright. Don't get your helmets in a flip!" I said, pulling a ticket from the machine. "I don't know why I'm here though. Can someone please explain?!" I said, slight;y louder.

"Hey there! You're probably wondering why you're here." A female voice said, and I looked up to the screen. "Welcome to the Time Variance Authority. I'm Miss Minutes and it's my job to catch you up before you stand trial for your crimes. So, let's not waste another minute. Settle in, sharpen your pencils and check this out." She said. A thunder clap came on the screen and a video started playing. "Long ago, there was a vast multiversal war. Countless unique timelines battled each other for supremacy, nearly resulting in the total destruction of...well, everything. But then, the all knowing Time Keepers emerged, bringing peace by reorganising the multiverse into a single timeline, The Sacred Timeline. Now, the Timekeepers protect and preserve the proper flow of time for everyone and everything. But sometimes, people like you, veer off the path the Timekeepers created. We call those Variants. Maybe you started an uprising, or were just late for work. Whatever it was, stepping off your path created a nexus event, which, left unchecked, could branch off into madness, leading to another multiversal war. But don't worry. To make sure that doesn't happen, the Timekeepers created the TVA and all it's incredible workers. The TVA has stepped in to fix your mistake and set time back on it's predetermined path. Now that your actions have left you without a place on the timeline, you must stand trial for your offenses. So sit tight, and we'll get you in front of a judge in no time. Just make sure you have your ticket, and you'll be seen by the next available attendant. For all time. Always." The video finished.

I scoffed. "The Sacred Timeline? Time Keepers? Who actually believes this rubbish?!" I asked rhetorically. "Next case please!" Another voice called from a different room. Two guards escorted me into said room and a young woman sat at the other side. "Sigurddottir. Variant L1340, aka, Freyja Sigurddottir, is charged with sequence violation 9-20-34. How do you plead?" She asked. "Plead? I don't even know what I've done!" I protested. "Are you guilty or not guilty ma'am?" She asked again. "Guilty of not having a clue what's going on? Yes. Guilty of finding this incredibly pointless. Absolutely. Guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline? I don't have a clue. I'm not ya woman." I argued. "Well then, who should we have?" She asked. I chuckled, "I don't know! But it isn't me." I said. "You dying was not part of their plan." She told me. "Not part of whose plan?!" I questioned angrily. "The Time Keepers." I scoffed again. "Oh yes, The Time Keepers. Right. Well, maybe we should talk to these time keepers. Because last time I checked, I choose if I die." I told her. "How do you plead?" She asked me in a bored tone.
"Maybe, I could take this one?" A male voice asked from behind me. I turned around and saw an older man with a greying mustache and a kind face. The woman shot him a warning look. "No. If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, you know this isn't going to end well." She said. "I know, but can you just let me try? I'll keep her in check. I think she can be valuable." He pleaded. "If anything bad happens, you know that's on you?" She confirmed. He nodded in understanding. I looked between the two. "I'm sorry, what's happening?" I asked. "Follow me." The man said. I hesitantly stepped off the podium and followed the man.
"Who are you?" I asked once we had left the room. "My name is Mobius and you are going to help me. That's all you need to know for now." He introduced. We walked round a corner and I stopped in my tracks. "Woah! How is that happening? This can't be real!" I said in disbelief. "Oh, no. It is." Mobius said, guiding me away.
We stood in an elevator and Mobius just looked happy. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "I'm taking you somewhere to talk, don't worry. I'm not going to kill you." He laughed, and I shot him a questioning glare. "How long have you been here?" I asked. "Hmm, it's hard to say. Time works differently here." He said. "So you're one of the nimrods that works for the space gods?" I asked, with amusement as we approached a large brown door. "Correct." He said simply. "That's absurd." I sighed. "After you." He said, holding a door open for me.

I walked in and was greeted by a large room with what looked like a giant TV screen. "Hang on, if the TVA truly oversees all of space and time, how have I never heard of you?" I asked with a raised brow. "Because you've never needed too. You've stuck to your set path." He informed me. "I live whatever path I choose." I protested. "Sure ya do, come on. Take a seat." He offered. I sat opposite him and glared at him. "What do you want from me really?" I asked. "I want to learn about you. I specialise in the pursuit of dangerous Variants." Mobius said. "Like me?" I questioned, earning a chuckle from him. "No, particularly dangerous variants. You. You're just a lil pussycat." He grinned turning on the giant screen. "What is this?" I asked, looking at the screen. "A sampling of your greatest hits if you will." Mobus grinned.

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